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author: not sure if everyone's read the last chapter, so please do so before reading this! if you're not sure check if you have  ffs

also i know i said there was going to be jillia in this chapter but i didn't have time to finish this chapter bc i've been busy.

so enjoy this emouis chapter that has a little bit of wyrin :)

this is my first ever emouis chapter i'm so excited ahh


"okay so should i wear this cute white romper or the hot red dress? they both go with the shoes i want to wear so you don't have to worry about that"emily asked brynn who was on face time with her.

it was finally friday and emily was getting ready to go on her date with louis. she didn't think much of it at first but now that the day was finally here she was scared to death.

"hmm. are you trying to have sex on the first date?"brynn asked making emily's eyes widen before quickly replying to her with

"no! what i wanna get to know him first!"

"okay. wear white"

"thanks that's what i was thinking too"emily chuckled softly as she put the red dress back in the closet

"what time is your date? and where are you going?"brynn then asked, resting her head on her palm as she watched emily get ready.

"in two hours. we're going to get some sushi. he chose the restaurant so we'll see."emily smiled as she sat back on her chair to do her makeup

"hey brynn are you okay? you don't look like you're feeling too well"the blonde then asked upon noticing that brynn's eyes were a bit puffy, and that she didn't have her usual cheerful demeanor.

"huh? yeah i'm fine. just a little tired that's all"brynn yawned

"are you sure?"emily sighed, going to her contacts to text wyatt and erin knowing brynn would probably open up to them.

"yes yes. i'm okay. enough about me. are you excited for your date?"brynn then said, completely brushing off the topic making emily sigh, there was no point in trying brynn was way too stubborn

"i am, but i'm also scared, haven't really been on a date with someone i actually genuinely like"emily giggled softly as she applied her foundation

"not to mention this is literally louis fucking partridge, don't you know how many girls would kill to be me right now? what if i screw this up"

"you won't emily. i'm sure he's just as nervous as you are"brynn chuckled softly as she ran her fingers through her hair. 

"okay but first lilia, then louis? then you get to kiss john in the phobias music video or whatever. you're literally winning at life!"brynn then exclaimed before giggling.

truth be told, emily was a little thrown off at the mention of her ex girlfriend, but not wanting to give the brynn the wrong impression, she simply laughed along before playfully flipping her hair and saying

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