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"okay i'm pretty sure you're not free all the time how the hell did we schedule this again?"emily giggled, graciously accepting louis' hand as he assisted her out of his car

"i have my ways. also our director has this contagious virus filming's on hold"the brunette chortled, closing the door behind emily before guiding her to the field he wanted to take her to

"oh no, is she okay?"

"no. she can't taste or smell anything, she said she was fine because she has grey's anatomy though. a little mental that one, but she's my boss"

"that show is depressing but i guess so. i didn't know camille was your director"emily giggled, making louis do the same.

"yeah she is. she's horrible, her brain skips words constantly and she can't be arsed to correct herself. she's always buzzin' too, always has a bottle of alcohol in her hand"

"yikes, must be a pain. good luck"

"thanks we'll need it. anyway we're here!"

emily froze in place as louis set up the picnic blanket, her mouth agape as he brought out the nutella sandwiches from their basket.

"care to join me down here darling or are you just gonna stare at all the pretty dandelions?"he teased, taking a bite out of his sandwich

"you brought — you brought me to a field of dandelions?"

"of course. you told me it was your favorite, it wasn't a tough decision"he told her sincerely, patting the space beside him.

emily trotted to the brunette, sitting down on the space next to him as he offered her the other sandwich

"holy shit, what did i do deserve this?"she sighed dreamily, resting her head on louis' shoulder making his heart quicken

"dear, you deserve the world"

"god you are so cheesy"emily giggled, as louis lifted his sandwich up to her lips, she shook her head at him before taking a bite out of it.

"you like it though"louis snorted, before glancing up to admire the view before saying

"blimey, look at all this. breathtaking innit?"

"it is. it really is"emily whispered, her attention however, was on the brunette next to her, his face so much closer to hers than it's ever been. she knew he was very attractive, but up close? goodness he was flawless.

"have i nicked your heart yet?"louis then teased causing her to roll her eyes as she lifted her head up from his shoulder

"mmm i don't know, have you?"

"i'd like to think that i have"the brunette admitted, chuckling softly as he opened his coke bottle and took a sip.

"mhm sure"emily hummed, nodding slowly as louis handed her the bottle so she could drink from it herself.

exhaling sharply, the blonde decided to relax, she lay on her side, placing her weight on her left elbow as she placed her head on her palm, listening to louis go on and on about work.

though the story he was telling was pretty interesting, emily couldn't seem to focus on what exactly he was saying. instead she found herself staring at him in admiration.

from time to time, she caught herself glancing at his lips, how they looked so soft and well — kissable. his voice alone was soothing, every time he called her darling, she felt like melting.

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