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author: don't expect much from this i think i spent more time writing emails and working on my author's note rather than editing and finishing this chapter


normally, lauren would've hated having to go back to school or work. it's not that she didn't love what she was doing, but there are just days where you don't feel like doing anything, which was almost everyday.

but today was different.

though she was exhausted, she was excited to go back to work to take a break from everything that was happening outside of it. surprisingly, she was starting to think of set as her sanctuary.

sateen and the rest of her friends however, would argue that it was her leading man that was her sanctuary, and not all the bright lights and high definition cameras. i mean it was what she's been avoiding for the past 5 years.

excitedly getting out of her car, lauren, who people on set were clearly sympathizing for, surprised everyone by greeting them all with a big smile and a cheerful demeanor.

they were probably thinking that she'd gone mad. but lauren was honestly just happy to get away from the stress of thinking about whether or not her mom was going to wake up.

unintentionally ignoring her co-star, who she failed to notice as she made her way to her trailer. she turned on the lights before plopping down on the grey polyester couch. she closed her eyes for a split second, trying to get a feel of the place so she could get back to her daily routine when the door suddenly burst open revealing jaeden who had his eyebrows furrowed.

he closed the door and leaned on the wall, raising an eyebrow at the blonde who looked at him in confusion. shaking his head jaeden shifted his weight to his left foot, now leaning on the door before saying

"i was expecting a hi or a hello but you ignoring me will do"

"someone's needy"lauren teased, sitting up and leaning her back on the arm rest.

"anyways hi jaeden. sorry i didn't notice you and thanks for lending us the plane"she smiled, patting the empty space next to her.

jaeden nodded graciously, taking seat on the couch next to her, he anxiously played with the hem of his shirt before clearing his throat and saying

"how's mer?"

"oh well she's in a coma. but i don't know we'll see"lauren sighed, sinking further into a couch making jaeden sigh heavily.

"she'll wake up, i know she will. she's a fighter"he told her, placing a hand on her shoulder. though she could've sworn there was some static when he touched her, she decided not to bring it up

"i hope so. thanks again for the plane, and for being here i guess"

"no problem. so how are you?"he asked, inching closer to the blonde who simply shrugged in reply. turning her head towards her ex boyfriend, she pursed her lips before shrugging

"i could be better"

"is there, anything i can do to help?"

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