Request by Dudett69420. I just tripped over while I was getting dressed and my brother wont stop laughing at me😪✌ Anyways hope everyone had a good holiday x
Eric screwed his hands into fists, clenching his teeth together as he felt hot tears prick at his eyes. He had been staring at the homework for hours now, trying desperately to make sense of the numbers. Why couldn't he just figure it out? Why hadn't he just listened harder in class? Why was he never FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH? He screamed at himself in his head, finally snapping and throwing the papers onto the floor, sending his pencil flying down with them, probably completely shattering the graphite inside. He let the tears fall down his cheeks, staring at the mess he had made of his work as he sunk onto the floor, pulling his knees up to his chest. As much as he hated school, he didn't want to fail, and as much as he wanted to hide it he was trying as hard as he could. Why couldnt he just understand maths? His body shook as his tears turned into quiet sobbing. He wished he was like Kyle. Kyle was so good at everything he did. He chuckled bitterly to himself. Kyle could probably fix everything right now if he didnt hate Eric's guts. He could tutor him like he had for Stan, but Cartman shook the thought away, reminding himself that asking for help would be hard enough, let alone managing to get someone to agree. Cartman sighed, looking at the time and realising that it was too late to get anything done. The homework wasn't due in until last period anyways, maybe he could just steal Butters' in the morning.
The next day, Eric showed up at the bus stop looking exhausted. He hadn't gone to bed until late, not to mention the crying he had done beforehand and the anxiety that had kept him up. He yawned, rubbing his eye and looking up when he heard footsteps approaching. " Mmpfhh" Kenny greeted halfheartedly before turning his attention to his phone. Next to arrive were Stan and Kyle, whose happiness seemed to be mocking him as they talked together about a new game. " Will you two homos shut it" Cartman snapped, earning a glare from his friends. " Cartman why do you have to be such an ass- Woah dude" Stan began, eyes reaching Erics face and noticing the dark circles under his eyes. " You look like a fucking druggie stop watching hentai until three am" Stan scoffed, making Kenny laugh and unzip his hood. " Don't be so meaaann" Kenny began, smirking teasingly. " You know he watches furries" He finished, making both himself and Stan burst into laughter that made Eric scowl bitterly. " FUCK OFF AND DIE ASSHOLES" Cartman screeched, holding back the tears that threatened to spill out. " Jesus dude we were just having some fun" Stan rolled his eyes as the bus arrived. Cartman looked up briefly, catching Kyles eyes and noticing a concerned look in them as they watched Eric push past Stan onto the bus. Come to think of it the jew had been quiet this morning. Cartman sat by the window, staring out of it and snapping at anyone who looked his way. Kenny flopped onto the seat next to him, turning around to face Kyle and Stan. " So whats fatass' deal today?" Kyle asked in hushed voice, trying to hide that he actually cared. " Eh? Who cares. Hes a fucking dick." Kenny grinned, not realising that Erics headphones were unplugged. " Yea, honestly I hope something horrible happened. Deserves it. " Stan shrugged, leaning back in his chair. Eric felt his stomach drop at his friends words, quickly clicking his earphones into the socket and turning up his volume to block out the rest of the conversation. He was tired of being the bad guy. He wanted to be kind, to be smart and funny, and good at maths. But he was just Eric. And if people would only ever see him as a villain, as an asshole with no feelings, then why shouldnt he just act that way.
In class that day, Kyle watched Eric closely. He sighed, wishing that his friend would just tell him what was really going on. Cartman hadn't been himself for a while now, and Kyle had known him long enough to see that his random bursts of insults and anger were just to cover up that he was hurting. As Mr Garrison asked the class whether they understood what he was saying, Kyle smiled, seeing the little waver that his friends hand did as he tried to muster the confidence to raise it. Kyle found it cute that despite the confident face that Eric showed the world, he was just as shy as everyone else when it came to asking for help. Kyle bit his lip when Mr Garrison began turning round, silently screaming at Eric to ask his question. " Come on.. You can do it.." He mumbled under his breath hopefully, before giving up, raising his own hand. " I don't quite understand, could you go over that last section please?" Kyle lied, smiling in satisfaction at the sigh of relief Eric let out. " Well sure Kyle, but its not like you to need help in maths!" Mr Garrison smiled. Eric glanced over at his friend, a hint of gratitude showing on his face until Kyle mouthed " youre welcome", making Cartman turn away, his face turning red.
When the bell rung, the class was quick to rush out, leaving only Eric, Kyle, Stan and Kenny in the room as they packed up their notes. " You guys go on, I'll catch up" Kyle smiled to the pair, who shrugged and left. The room was quiet, the only noise being the shuffling of paper as Kyle watched Eric stuff things into his bag. " I didn't need your help back there" Cartman huffed, focusing on his bag to give him an excuse to not look at Kyle. " Who said I did it to help you?" Kyle asked, trying to make his friend less embarrassed. " ... Whatever" Cartman huffed, slinging his bag on his back. " Are you coming or what." He frowned, waiting by the doorway as Kyle followed after him. " Hey uh.. Can we go to the library today? I'm not gonna lie the homework was a nightmare and I haven't finished it yet. " Kyle chuckled nervously, making the stress that Eric felt from finding the homework difficult ease slightly. " Uh.. Sure. What about the other two." Cartman asked blankly, not wanting to let his eagerness show. " They've been kinda pissing me off today. I don't know.. I guess I'd rather spend lunch with you today. Even if you are a dumb fatass." Kyle smiled, the insult lacking malice and coming out more like a pet name. Cartman blushed, a weird feeling in his chest as he looked away. " ..Whatever" He replied, ignoring the giggle that came from his friend. " So, have you started the work yet?" Kyle asked as they walked, making Cartman feel the sick feeling of worry come back. " Uh.. No. But not because it was hard or anything. I havent looked at it yet. " Cartman lied. Kyle rolled his eyes. " Mmhmmm" He replied sarcastically, making Eric snap at him. " HEY! IM NOT FUCKING STUPID OK?" Cartman yelled defensively, no one around them looking since they were used to the pairs constant bickering. " I KNOW THAT ASSHOLE STOP GETTING SO DEFENSIVE" Kyle snapped back, frowning. " IM NOT AN ASSHOLE JEW" Cartman snarled. " WELL YOU SURE AS HELL ACT LIKE ONE SOMETIMES" Kyle rolled his eyes, throwing an angry look towards his friend as they continued walking. Cartman frowned, shoving his hands into his pockets as he tried to come up with a response, eventually sighing in defeat when he realised how right Kyle was. " Sorry" He mumbled, making Kyle stop walking. " What?" He asked, looking at Eric. " I said sorry ok?" Cartman frowned, avoiding eye contact. It was lunch, and the pair were now the only people in the halls. " I dont... I dont mean to be an asshole. Its just. I'm scared ok? I'm scared that if I show everyone how I really feel that they'll laugh and make fun of me, or just that they won't give a crap. I'm scared that if I don't act like a dick on purpose then people will hate the real me. " Cartman began, the truth coming out as the bottled up emotions spilled out. " Kyle I-" He tried to continue, but his voice cracked and he felt tears slide down his face. Kyle watched in shock, quickly snapping out of it and rushing to hug the boy. " Its ok" Kyle said softly, his own heart breaking at how upset his friend was as he hugged him tightly. " I'm here for you ok? You don't have to bottle everything up. I'm your friend no matter how much of a dick you can be sometimes. " Kyle smiled, eliciting a weak chuckle from his friend. " Now how about we work on this homework together, have some lunch and talk about whats on your mind. " Kyle offered soothingly, his voice alone sending a wave of calm over Eric who nodded in agreement, wiping his nose on his sleeve as they pulled away from the hug. " Ew sick dude" Kyle grimaced, handing him a tissue as Eric flipped him off, smiling and taking the tissue gratefully. " Thanks Kyle.. Seriously. " Eric said honestly, wiping his eyes and meeting Kyles. " Hey, its what im here for." Kyle smiled. " Plus, your face looks ugly when its frowning" Kyle teased, making Eric punch his arm playfully. " Ok ok!" Kyle laughed, holding his hands up in surrender. " But you do look better with a smile. Cute even." Kyle shrugged, turning a little pink as he looked away, opening the library door. " Shall we?"

South park oneshots
FanfictionA bunch of gay ass oneshots basically. So far it contains: Bunny, Creek, Kyman, Style, Stylenny, Stutters, Jyle, Tyde, Cryle, Kyutters, Jimtim, Twenny, Steek, Bratters, K2, Twutters, Carters, Dip, Taren (Tricia x Karen), Trenters...