Kyman - Spoken like a love confession

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Kyle could feel his heavy eyelids beginning to close. He scrunched them up tightly and shook his head,  desperate to not fall asleep in front of his friends. Stan,  Kenny and Cartman had come round to play the new four player game he had bought for his okama gamesphere,  but they had got bored and ended up watching films instead. His head drooped to the side,  and he narrowly avoided leaning on Cartman, who was currently stuffing his face with cheesy poofs by the handful,  eyes locked onto the screen.  Kenny and Stan were both sitting on the floor in front of the sofa, quietly giggling about something and not paying much attention to the movie. " Stan took a swig of his beer, making Eric realise how thirsty he was.  " Hey Kinnehhhhh...  " He whined,  to which Kenny threw a can of alcohol at him rolling his eyes.  " Good Kenny" Cartman praised,  petting his head and making Kenny groan.  " Get off dude" He mumbled through his parker that he refused to remove. " Hey Kahl you w..  HEY GUYS KAHL IS ASLEEP! " Cartman laughed,  turning to face the sleeping boy. Stan and Kenny turned around, slightly interested.  " Oh yea,  we should let him sleep,  he's..  Ugh..  I think im gonna.. " Stan said,  clutching his stomach and turning pale. Kenny handed him a bucket,  looking at him with concern and rubbing his back. " Gay" Cartman stated,  shoving another handful of crisps into his mouth and earning a scowl from Kenny,  who pulled Stan up carefully and guided him to the bathroom. This left Cartman alone on the sofa with a sleeping Kyle.  He tried to keep his attention on the tv,  but he couldn't stop thinking about the sleeping Jew next to him. Eventually he gave in,  and poked Kyle on the cheek.  " Hey Jew wake up. " When Kyle didnt open his eyes Eric groaned,  moving closer to him. He bit his lip in thought,  looking around to make sure no one was around. This was the pperfect opportunity for him to do something he had wanted for a long time.  He shyly raised his arm,  reaching out and lightly stroking the soft ginger curls atop Kyles head.  He involuntarily gasped at the unexpected smoothness, smiling and burying his hands deeper.  When Kyle moved,  he shot his hand back to his side nervously,  his heart pounding. To his relief,  Kyle was still asleep,  just uncomfortable and shifting around. He sighed and laid back on the sofa, propping his back up on the arm of the chair so that he could still look at his friend. He jumped in surprise when Kyle moved again,  this time onto the larger male.  Cartman gulped as the ginger laid on his soft chest,  snuggling into him and unwittingly wrapping his arms around him. Eric winced at the awkwardness of the situation,  attempting to peel Kyle from him,  but  only succeeding in making him hug him tighter. Erics legs were either side of the sleeping boy now,  and he had to admit it did feel pretty comfortable.  He bit his lip and decided to give into the overwhelming urge to hug his friend back,  smiling at the feeling as he rubbed Kyles back gently.  It was almost like the pair didn't actually hate each other as much as they made it seem like they did. Eric closed his eyes slowly,  relishing the moment which he knew could never last. His eyes snapped open when Kenny made a loud " Aww! " From the back of the sofa, staring at the pair like they were puppies. " Stan look! " Kenny grinned,  as Stan appeared next to him holding the bucket,  throwing up into it almost immediately.  Cartman blushed bright red and scowled at the pair.  " Fuck off Kinneh he fell asleep on me what was I supposed to do? " He growled. " Uh..  Not embrace him? " Kenny said,  stifling giggles as he pointed to Cartmans arm. Eric instanly retracted it from Kyle,  pushing the Jew off of him. "AAAGH! What the fuck? " Kyle shouted as he hit the floor with a thump. He looked up to find the others staring at him. " What...  Did fatass draw a dick on me or something? " He asked in confusion,  rubbing his forehead and looking at his hand to check for pen marks. " As much as I'd love to see how this plays out I think I've gotta get Stan home" Kenny sighed, looking over at the black haired boy who looked back to him gratefully before throwing up again. Kenny rolled his eyes smiling, leading Stan out of the door and flashing Eric an evil smirk before saying,  " Have funnn". He closed the door behind them,  leaving an embarrassed Cartman and a confused Kyle alone together. " Care to explain? " Kyle said,  looking at his friend blankly. " Well uh..  Well your gay ass fell asleep on me...  Basically" Cartman spluttered, sitting up straight. Kyle looked suspicious and sat back onto the sofa.  " Okay...  Why is it such a big deal then?  I was tired. " He asked,  still confused. " It was just the way you were laying is all...  You like hugged me or whatever.. " Cartman shrugged,  trying to mask his blush by looking away. " Oh.. " Kyle blushed too now,  rubbing his neck awkwardly. " So how come you were so tired anyways" Eric asked to change the subject.  " Oh, well Ike had friends over last night and they kept me up until like four in the morning the little shits" Kyle chuckled lightly.  " Think its time for one of your patented kick the babys" Eric smiled,  making Kyle do the same. " Sorry for uh..  Falling asleep on you...  I feel like Kenny isn't gonna let us hear the last of that" Kyle apologized, laughing slightly. "Nah dude it's cool,  I've been stuck with you all day,  it was kinda nice that you finally shut up. " He joked,  earning a playful punch on the arm.  " Shut up asshole" Kyle replied,  making the pair burst out into laughter. " I bet we looked so gay dude" Kyle thought out loud, still giggling,  imagining Kennys face when he saw them. " Yea,  I had my arm around you and you were all snuggled into me and-" " Wait what? " Kyle interrupted,  making Eric stop laughing. " Why were you hugging me?  I mean like..  Surely I couldn't have been sleeping in a way that forced you to hug me back. " Kyle asked curiously,  making Eric blush bright red and look away. " Uh..  I uh..  " He stammered,  picking at his nails nervously. "Dude dont do that you'll hurt yourself" Kyle said absentmindedly,  pulling Erics hands apart with his own.  The pair looked at each other with wide eyes as they noticed that they we're essentially holding hands,  both frozen in shock and therefore unable to move away. " Uh.. " Kyle stuttered,  looking at Eric. " Kyle I uh..  I think I" Eric heard himself say,  biting his tongue and attempting to force his words back into his mouth. " You what..? " Kyle asked shakily.  " I hate you" Eric said, the words spoken like a love confession,  which to be fair,  they were.  " Really? " Kyle smiled as Eric looked at him desperately,  hoping that he would understand what the words meant. " Well then..  I uh..  I think I hate you too..  Eric" Kyle grinned,  Cartman blushing at the rare use of his first name. Kyle squeezed Erics hands lightly,  and Cartman decided to lace their fingers together to ensure that they were on the same page.  He sighed in relief when Kyles smile widened,  and silently thanked Ike for being loud enough to cause this to happen.  The two heard a quiet " WOOHOO! FUCKING FINALLY" From outside of the window ,  and had a feeling that Kenny hadn't taken Stan home in the end at all.

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