Cranky Crisis

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"Cmon BakuBro put your shoes on"
"I no need shoes! I wan go bawefoot extwa!"

Kirishima chuckled for a moment rubbing the back of his neck as he watched the blonde throw himself on the ground. "You can't go to the mall barefoot bud" he calmly explained helping the boy  with his shoes. Bakugo pouted yet let him and followed the red head out of the dorm room.

It was winter break and the Baku squad were going Christmas shopping. Although Bakugo was missing his nap time for this, it was never a good idea to disturb the blondes nap time. So he was being very grouchy. Kirishima lead them down the street having to deal with a small tantrum about the blonde not wanting to walk anymore so he carried him all the way to the mall. The rest of the squad were waiting for them a. "Hey guys! Took ya long enough" Denki jokes although Bakugo wasn't having it trying to kick the electric boys shins. Kirishima quickly pulled Bakugo away and into the mall and walked with the others down the hallway.

"Where should we go first hm?" Mina hummed with a smile already having Christmas ideas for the goners but kept them a secret. "We could always split it, it'll make things quicker and then all meet up for lunch" sero suggested and the others agreed. Of course Bakugo couldn't be left alone, so he went with Kirishima. "Okay tiny tot, can you pick out some stuff you want for daddy?" He asked as they made their way into a store in the mall which contained children's items. Kirishima declines the help from a worker as they made their way inside. Without a word Bakugo walked off, the store was pretty large. "Hey bub you gotta stay close" he called after the blonde starting to follow

Kirishima followed the little around the store who whined wanting him to go away or at least give him some space. The red head agreed and went not so far away and to look for the blonde some Christmas presents for when he was big. About 10 minutes later Kirishima returns to the section looking around for the little. He didn't see him. Panic immediately swept through him as he increased his walking pace. Had he left the store? Was he still in the store? There was so many possibilities.

The red head made his way out of the store calling the boys name. Luckily Sero was passing by and Kiri grabbed his arm "have you seen Bakugo?" His question was straight forward, "no is he missing?" Sero asked confused and Kirishima nodded "wait here I'll grab Denki and Mina" Sero ran off and Kirishima waited

Not five minutes later did the trio arrive and they made their way back into the store calling bakugos name. Kiri walked down the mattress section and suddenly stopped head soft snores. Curiosity over took him and the red head made his way over. Bakugo was sacked out on one of the mattress side raising and falling slowly. Kirishima let out a breath completely relived. He texted the group chat saying he'd found him so the others didn't worry themselves to death.

Kirishima gently shook the blonde who was surrounded by the stuff he had picked out. Bakugo slowly straightened himself up with a yawn, at least he was less grouchy. Kirishima paid for his items and lead the blonde out to the middle of the mall where the others waited.

They walked to the food court, Bakugo having had come out of head Space by that point. They had gotten their food when Bakugo pulled out his phone scrolling through the group messages
"Hey shitty hair"
"What the hell happened while I was out of it"
"That's a long story bro, I'll tell you later"

 They had gotten their food when Bakugo pulled out his phone scrolling through the group messages "Hey shitty hair""Yeah?""What the hell happened while I was out of it""That's a long story bro, I'll tell you later"

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