Tea Party! (Bakugo x little Y/N)

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So we really just woke up at 4:30 for classes but because of snow they don't start till ten now your the only one in the house awake...yeah yeah I am))

This is a request by- imascorpio11

Y/N was busy in their UA dorm, it was winter break which shouldn't mean excitement! But..YN was bored, very bored. Their boyfriend Bakugo Katsuki had been very busy with training a majority of the break or with being with his friend group.

Y/N stood from their bed and made their to the closet and grabbed a small tea set from it. Y/N also pulled on their little supplies, a paci, A footed Dino onesie, even managing to make themselves a bottle filled with chocolate milk. Y/N sat down in front of the television, they wanted to play with their daddy, they wanted to be cuddled and kissed and told how much of a good baby their were. It wasn't fair daddy had to do all this icky work!

If almost summoned by Y/N's mind, Bakugo walked into the dorm room wearing his hero outfit steam escaping off his body. "Oi Y/N-" he didn't finish seeing his baby in little space although he was..being ignored? "Y/N" he repeated a little louder this time as if They hadn't heard. Although he was ignored  again. Ignoring how sweaty he was Bakugo plopped down beside of Y/N. The little ignored him with a loud huff.

"Y/N" Bakugo sighed rubbing one of his temples. "I know I've been busy, I didn't mean to be" he muttered under his breath arms crossed over his chest. Y/N huffed and shook their head brows furrowed together seeming frustrated if anything. Bakugo suddenly grabbed his baby and pulled them onto his lap tickling his sides "c'monnn, Lemme see my silly baby" he mused semi smirking. Y/N couldn't help but smile letting out a loud squeal trying to stop the large hands from tickling their sides.

Bakugo only stopped for a moment before picking us baby up fully. "I'll tell you what, all this week I'm all yours kitten. What do you wanna do?" He questioned curiously kissing his baby's forehead with a soft coo. Y/N thought for a moment chewing on their thumb only for Bakugo to move it away. "Pawty!" Y/N reached towards their tea set making Bakugo raised an eye brow slightly "you sure?" He questioned receiving a nod. Bakugo explained he had to go shower receiving an okay from Y/N.

Once he was finished Bakugo returned to the tea set having been set up, plushies sitting at what would be empty cups. "You Wanna see Kiwi,  mimi and all them puppy or just you and me?" Although Y/N let out a happy squeak "kiwi Mimi!" Bakugo chuckled and called up the squad who all agreed to participate in the tea party. They all arrived to a very happy Y/N they placed themselves at the empty cups, plushies on their lips.

Y/N had forced everyone to wear a piece of custom jewelry, mina's was a tiara, Denki's was a fist full of rings, sero's was a top hat, Kirishima's was a crown, and finally bakugo's was a princess crown. He wasn't particularly happy with it but obviously pushed it aside for his baby. The tea cups were filled with apple juice and a few cookies on the plates.

Afterwards, once the tea party was over and the sun was about to go down, Bakugo and Y/N laid on the couch Y/N in his lap. Y/N sucked on a pacifier the dog plushies Bakugo had got them on their lap while they watched the movie half asleep. Bakugo smiled and pulled them closer gently kissing his baby's cheek. He gently hummed rubbing his free hand over their back

"I love you so much Y/N" Bakugo mumbled
"I's luv you chu baba"
And there they fell asleep happily while the tea set sat idly on the ground waiting for tomorrow.

"I love you so much Y/N" Bakugo mumbled "I's luv you chu baba" And there they fell asleep happily while the tea set sat idly on the ground waiting for tomorrow

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