Halloween Party

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(Only days late too 😀👌🏻👍💜💛)

"Kaminari I don't think we should-"

"Cmon shin shin! This is your chance to see everyone again"

Shinso let out a soft "mm" he reply shaking his head though let the other drag him off and to the UA dorms. The party was both inside and outside, outside being little games and activities while inside was the food and a scary movie was playing. Denki stayed close to him. Shinso was In a zombie costume which wasn't hard due to his overall appearance and Denki was a car because he knew how much his boyfriend liked them.

"I'm gonna go get us some punch okay try not to have to much fun without me" Denki joked and walked into the house. Shinso didn't follow him walking around the area looking around as he did so, the place was cleanly decorated with jack o lanterns, halloween led lights, speaker screams and groans. Around thirty minutes went around and Denki didn't return. Shinso was confused. He walked into the house looking for his blonde boyfriend only to no avail. He walked into the kitchen; nothing, the living room; nothing. He went outside walking all around the UA building calling his name. Once he returned he was greeted with Katsuki Bakugo "hey fucking zombie ass, have you seen Kirishima?" He asked, kirishima was a little and so was kaminari so no doubt they were together. Shinso shook head "I haven't, have you seen Denki?" He asked in return though Bakugo shook his head.

"Okayy everyone!" Uraraka chirped jogging from the house clapping her hands. "If you call could move to the front of the school the haunted house is ready" Hitoshi and katsuki said in unison "haunted house?" The class moved to the front of the building and to all surprise there was a shed in the front not really a house but oh well. A tarp covered the door blocking them from seeing anything. People went in two at a time slowly coming out the other side, Shinso and Bakugo were last.

The pair walked into the building looking around cob webs covered the place were they real or fake it was hard to tell. "This isn't fucking sca-" Bakugo stopped as something popped out from the corner "boo!" Kirishima giggled as Bakugo jumped startled. The blonde walked over picking him up "aren't you terrifying" the red head nodded. Shinso Continued to walk towards the exit door not having found Kaminari. He went to open the door when something grabbed his leg, he looked down kaminari looked up at him "scared ya!" He chirped making Shinso smile "you sure did baby" he walked out greeted by everyone else.

"Alright everyone let's all go in for a movie and hot chocolate" uraraka announced and people followed "I luv you daddy" Denki mumbled

"I love you to my spooky baby"

"I love you to my spooky baby"

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