Doctor Daddy

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(Gods it's been a hot minute since I've done these two 😌💜

It was around the winter time, the dorms being especially cold around that time no matter how warm you turn the air conditioning to. Tamaki sat in his room hearing one of mirio's hoodies and sweat pants, plus fuzzy socks.

He was currently coloring a picture of a duckling in a tea cup. Tamaki was being extra super careful to not colors out of the lines. Mickey Mouse played in the background idly seeing as he didn't have to worry about anyone coming in as most were still asleep. Other then himself mirio sat at a small table being busy with winter break homework, wanting to get it done early since they have just started their break the previous day. Tamaki didn't mind really being a very patient little anyways.

Though he did get lonely so he climbed from the bed onto the cold floor and crawled over to his closet. His stuffies laid waiting to be played with. He grabbed a few being, Winnie the Pooh, his Pluto dog, his grumpy cat plushie, and his Stitch Plushie. He crawled back to the bed after shutting the door behind him. He sat them around himself continuing to color but talking to the plushies as if they were alive. The peace lasted a good while snow starting to fall outside.

Tamaki had gotten bored of coloring and reached over grabbing his Pluto plushie making it move around and pretend to jump. He immediately stopped noticing a tear on its side. He was upsetted by this his stuffies being one of his favorite things. He slowly climbed from the bed and towards mirio nonchalantly "daddy?" His voice was quiet though visible keeping his eyes close to the floor. Mirio looked over smiling as he gently ran a hand through the boys hair "hey there little lion" tamaki smiles pressing his face into the plushie "can you help me wif somethin?" Mirio smiled and chuckled rubbing the back of his neck "sorry Buddy, I gotta finish this paper but I'll help you real soon okay?" He asked looking back to the paper.

Though soon, in little space that seemed like a long time. It wasn't good enough. Tamaki decided to try something he'd been told would work. He lowered the plushie and stomped his foot rather abruptly against the floor "No daddy! I wan help now!" Even mirio was caught off guard, hell he wasn't even this loud normally, "baby daddy told you he could help when he was done. I need you to be patient" he definitely wasn't used to the boy throwing any sort of tantrums. Tamaki seemingly ignored him throwing himself onto the floor as he continued to kick against the ground yelling "now" he close to the very top of his lungs. He only continued for a minute stopping when he felt a hand grip his chin in a firm yet light way.

"Tamaki amajiki, daddy told you to wait a little before i could help you. I'm gonna have to put you in the corner for 15 minutes" tamaki didn't object as mirio's tone was fairly firm. Mirio carried the boy to a nearby corner and sat a timer before continuing his work. Tamaki didn't even try to hold back the tears though they were silent. He pressed his face into his plushie waiting for his daddy to come back, he glanced over every so often to make sure he didn't leave. Mirio worked unaware of the silent crying session his baby was having. He finished after 10 minutes ending the timer early, mirio made his way over crouching down he started to speak though his heart melted at the boys tear streaked face. He pulled him into a somewhat tight embrace "baby, can you tell daddy why you were in the corner?" He asked rubbing small circles into his back tamaki nodded "I din listen and I frew a fit, mm sorry daddy" he admitted messing with His fingers. Mirio nodded kissing the males forehead "it's okay baby really daddy's not mad, but why did you throw one in the first plac-" it was only then did he notice the plushies rip.

"Ohh, baby you should've told daddy" he stood gently taking the place walking over and sitting at the desk as tamaki followed. Mirio pulled out a small sewing kit threading the needle, tamaki watched intently very curious. Mirio sewed the plushie up and walked to the bathroom grabbing a Mickey Mouse bandage and putting it on. Tamaki let out a happy squeal, he climbed into the males lap "you fixed'em daddy!"

"Of course baby, daddy's are the best plushie doctors out there"

"Of course baby, daddy's are the best plushie doctors out there"

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