Pumpkin contest!

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Happy Early Halloween!! 😌🎃🎃))

It was autumn, the leaves were changing colors the weather was getting cooler and Halloween was on it's way! For one particular boy the holiday couldn't come soon enough.

"Hurry Daddy!"
"Slow down Bakugo, the contest isn't going anywhere"

Kirishima stumbled behind the blonde haired boy whom dragged him along down the dorm hallway and towards the common room. In the spirit of Halloween Class 1A had decided to have a fun little contest. Pumpkin carving, the rules were simple the best design by the end of the night won. After a few minutes of trying not to flap flat on his face due to the pulling they arrived in the common room.

It was filled with pumpkins all of different varieties, some were plumper than others, some were thin and small. The rest of the class was already there sitting around a table most had already picked their pumpkins. Bakugo walked over and wrapped a fairly large pumpkin for them and walked to the table.

"What do you wanna make kitten?"

Kirishima laughed and nodded picking up a knife "let's let daddy do the carving okay? And don't touch anything sharp"He asked receiving a nod in response. And for a while it was going tell, everyone seemed to be having a good time chatting and joking while carving their pumpkins. Though Bakugo started to get handsy wanting to touch anything and everything, mostly just outta pure boredom. He was hard to entertain in headspace. While reaching for an excess piece of pumpkin Bakugo had managed to cut the bottom of his hand on a knife. A small whimper escaped him from the stinging. Though he assumed he could hide it from everyone especially Kirishima.

The pumpkin was finally finished, looking mostly like a botched childhood monster. Kirishima looked around the table, a few people were still working but most were done. He noticed that the boy beside of himself kept shifting on his feet and genuinely seeming uncomfortable. He leaned somewhat close just in case "hey bub, what's up hm?" Bakugo shook his head keeping his arms crossed tightly against his chest "notin." Kirishima scanned the boy over for a moment and lightly nudged him out of the room and to the kitchen area. "Cmon show me" he offered his own hand waiting. Despite his pride Bakugo reached the injured hand out into the red heads. It was deep luckily just barley breaking the skin, and about a few centimeters wide. "Aww, kitten you should've told daddy when it happened." Kirishima wasn't mad at all.

Bakugo clung to the males side sniffling a bit, "huwrts" he mumbled. Kirishima picked him up and took him into the bathroom shutting the door behind himself. He sat the blonde onto the counter and reached under grabbing some cleaning supplies, and a bandage. He cleaned the cut up before applying a gentle kiss to his palm "better?" He asked Bakugo nodding hoping down walking outta the bathroom. Kirishima followed finding that everyone had finished their pumpkins. Iida was in charge of the judge not really wanting to participate due to the mess from the pumpkin guts.

Mina and Uraka came first, Kirishima and Bakugo came second, Todoroki and Denki came third. Bakugo wasn't thrilled about coming in second, but it was better than loosing. With their newly decorated pumpkins the class took them outside and placed them among the sidewalks and entrance of the school.

Kirishima sat their pumpkin down feeling arms wrapping around him from behind. "Happy Halloween Shittyhair"

"Happy Halloween BakuBro"

"Happy Halloween BakuBro"

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