Just daddy

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"Bubba I gotta-"
"No leave! Suki stay!"

Katsuki let out a soft breath looking towards Kirishima, he was dressed in his dragon onesie and his hair was tied back inside a small pony tail. He attempted to explain "look baby, dadda has to go one a very important hero mission okay? He'll be back in the morning" it was around 10:30 or so at night he had gotten the text to head out with all might, Deku and todoroki. He as excited, of course Kirishima wasn't, in headspace at least

"Look when daddy is in his way back, I'll get ya a pack of life savers, okay?" He tried to make a compromise. Kiri sniffled slightly rubbing his eyes. He was very tired, and his daddy leaving didn't make his mood any better. He held his pinky out "double pwomise?" He muttered under his breath as he looked at the blonde. Bakugo laid down with him holding the boy close rubbing his back gently kissing his forehead. "I promise my baby. I'll come back before you know it"

Bakugo stayed with Kirishima until he fell asleep. Then the blonde left. When Kirishima woke up Bakugo wasn't back, it was to early anyways. He stumbles from the bed as he went to try and find him. Plus he was thirsty. He made his way down the hallway luckily everyone else was asleep. The red head walked quietly down the hall. Unfortunately, he didn't find Bakugo. He had attempted to get a drink for Himself but spilled most of the apple juice onto the floor, he was having a hard time

The red head was sitting in the kitchen floor in the mess of apple juice and was starting to get chocked up. Footsteps stopped in the doorway clearly confused, "Kirishima..?" The voice asked. It was Shinso, he did usually hang around with Denki quite a bit as they were In a relationship. Much like Kirishima and Bakugo they were In a caregiver and little dynamic. Shinso slowly made his way over "hey Buddy, you okay-" he didn't get much of a response as Kirishima clunged onto him tightly "I wan suki!" He sobbed heavily almost to the point of a panic attack.

Shinso kept a good ten minutes comforting the red head. Finally when he had calmed down Shinso spoke "let's clean this up yeah? Then I'll get you something to drink and you can hang out with me and denks okay?" He questioned and Kirishima nodded. They cleaned up the kitchen and Shinso got him his apple juice. He was brought to denkis dorm and they went inside. Kirishima and Denki spent the day playing games and the three of them ended up falling asleep just before Bakugo got home.

Bakugo couldn't find Kirishima and ran around to their friends dorms finding him in Denkis dorm completely sacked out. Bakugo smirked holding a bag of life savers and walked out picking up the boy and bringing him to his dorm. Kirishima groaned for a moment and smiled meekly "hi dada" he mumbled quietly "hey baby"

Kirishima reached up and accepted the bag of Candy as he was laid down and Bakugo laid down beside him. He was happy, Bakugo kept both promises

 He was happy, Bakugo kept both promises

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