The drawing puzzle

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Fanart by ArtsnFoods on new grounds!
This is not a ship post! I do not do teachers x students due to finding it illegal where I'm from, yes I do know the consent age in Japan thank you!))

Aizawa sat at his desk running a ran through his rich black hair as he was fully focused on the papers in front of himself. A little black kitten laid in his lap purring away as it slept lazily. "You have it lucky, jet"he muttered softly to the animal who simply nuzzled him. Sometimes he wish he were a cat, being able to sleep all day, no responsibilities.

Although luckily the papers were half way done, he looked at his phone, he had received texts from Hizashi about what he wanted for dinner, the loud blonde was already home with eri and shinso and was apparently cooking, it wasn't a good idea since Hizashi could burn a pop tart easily. He just idly replied with "whatever is fine" before turning off his phone. He leaned back in his chair running hands through his hair pushing it aside as his eyes closed. Five minutes. All he wanted was five minutes.

Although unfortunately for the teacher he didn't get five minutes, he barely got one. A soft knock sounded at the door, he didn't even get to say come in before Kirishima entered Bakugo followed surprisingly close behind although seeing them together wasn't new. "Hello Kirishima, Bakugo what can I do for you-" he was immediately interrupted by Kirishima who spoke quickly. "Hi mr aizawa! Listen I know it's late and you Gotta go home to do whatever teachers do but I need a favor" aizawa raised an eye brow "continue" Kirishima than went on to explain how Bakugo, with his consistent to let the teacher know due to it was easier at the moment, that the blonde Was an age regressor.

Aizawa had experience with littles, while he was technically a father both himself and his husband were both caregivers/age regressors themselves. Once Kirishima was done he took a deep breath "so what I wanted to ask, if you could watch him for thirty minutes or so? I promise fatgum and tamaki I would go training with them, and if you can't that's completely fine! That's just that everybody else seems to be busy and I can't leave him alone" he had started to ramble. Aizawa looked towards Bakugo who was playing with the red heads hoodie almost nervously, it was an odd change to the very angry and loud usual behavior. He took a deep breath "yes, Kirishima I'll watch him for you while you go complete the training exercise"

Kirishima thanked him multiple times and lead the blonde to the back of the classroom and made him sit down at one of the desks. He placed a coloring book along with crayons and just plain paper muttering to him softly although Bakugo just nodded already invested within coloring. Kirishima thanked the instructor one more time and left the room leaving the teacher and blonde alone.

Aizawa more so just watched him Color away glancing down at his phone every so often. He looked down after five or so minutes texting Hizashi that something had come up and he would be home a little later, Hizashi simply responded asking if he could pick up food on the way home due to he had burned the dinner he made. Aizawa wasn't surprised, what did surprise him was that Bakugo had made his way to the desk, sliding a piece of paper across the desk although didn't say anything, it was almost creepy

Aizawa slowly reached forward and looked a the paper, it was a picture of something, he honest to god couldn't tell due to all the scribbly lines. "Thank you Bakugo that's a very nice-" he hesitated knowing he could make the big very upset. "That's very nice" he concluded although was internally tryin to figure it out. The rest of the time went smoothly, Bakugo drew on his board random squiggles once again. It wasn't until kiri came back did he stop what he was doing completely and rush over before he had time to Barley open the door. Kirishima beamed "hey bud I missed you to, thanks again me aizawa!" He started to leave with the blonde

0Kirishima, could you come here for a moment?" He asked offering the piece of paper over and Kirishima accepted it "what is that?" It only took Kiri a second "oh! That's a banana" he said completely serious and took the paper waving by

Leaving door aizawa in a very confused state the rest of the day

Leaving door aizawa in a very confused state the rest of the day

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