Little gold thief

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"Oi! Kirishima get the fuck over here!"

Katsuki shifted on his heels letting out an annoyed groan rubbing his face with his free hand. The other hand held a sword down by his side. A large red dragon crawled on its stomach, dragging dirt and even a few limbs with it. The animal cooed rolling over on its stomach letting out a soft breath looking towards the semi angry blonde.

Bakugo simply watched rolling his eyes "what the fuck is this?" He gesture towards a large pile of gold, this wasn't his. He had no idea where the hell it came from. The dragon of course didn't use words, it simply shrugged letting out a yawn. It was getting rather late in the small kingdom their had stopped at. "Wherever the fuck you got it, take it back"

The animal didn't listen, he simply covered his reptile eyes with the hands attempting to hide. Of course it didn't work. "I can still see you shitty hair, you heard me bring it back" unsurprisingly the dragon was being stubborn and snorted kicking up dirt with his claws and tossing it around.

Katsuki was ignoring him by that point going inside their small cabin, Kiri couldn't fit unless he shifted back. He let out a soft whimper trying to open the door with his claws to no avail. Begrudgingly he shifted back, he was in little space around the age of 5 or so. He walked inside "tis ours suki, I's finds it" he looked around for a moment before looking towards the other. "No Kirishima, I'm sure you got it from the sailers or the bank, return it or I won't be taking you to get that fish dinner you like so much"

Seeing as he didn't have much of a choice, Kiri made his way outside. It did take 30 minutes to 45 minutes before he had returned all the gold. When he returned and stepped into the hotel room he looked towards the bag the blonde had for himself. A fish dinner sat beside of himself. "Just because your fucking spoiled and did the right thing I got you something"

Outta pure curiosity and excitement, Kirishima tore open the leather sack looking inside. A homemade chew ring, pacifier, and even a fish plushie lay inside. He let out a soft hum looking towards the blonde "thanks bro, I really love it"

"Whatever little gold thief..I'm glad you do or whatever"

I'm glad you do or whatever"

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