Electric brat

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Kaminari threw himself into the floor socked feet thumping against the dorm room floor as the electric blonde shrieked and letting out pathetic tears. Bakugo stood red eyes glaring down at him, a pair of shoes that he had been trying to get Kaminari to wear in his hands.


That was the code word for, come get the little before his ass gets in trouble. Kirishima emerged from the bathroom ready to go. "Cmon dude he's not that bad" he laughed and picked the electric boy up whom had somehow completely stopped his tantrum and had turned into the perfect angel. Bakugo simply tsked and put the shoes.

The trio walked out of the dorms. Kirishima had decided it would be good for them to be able to get out and about during the day. He and the explosive blonde were the care givers to Denki Kaminari, an unlikely age regressor.

Denki was usually a good boy, in Kirishima eyes, in Bakugo's he was a little monster. The three walked down the street carefully and made their way to a small age regressor store not worried about anyone noticing them. Kirishima walked off to get a shopping cart leaving the two blondes alone. Bakugo picked Denki up and started place him into one of the strollers the place offered, but of course Denki decided to make things difficult. "I wan walk! Down!" Denki wiggled kicking to try and get down. Bakugo growled opening his mouth to say something but kiri walked over gently rubbing his arm. "Chill okay? It's not that big of a deal" Bakugo rolled his eyes and let the blonde down and started to walk around following behind Kirishima and Denki.

"Okay rockstar let's see what they have hm? Let's let ya get two toys and one other thing that you need okay?" Kirishima asked ruffling Denks hair who ran off to view the inventory. The other two continued to walk around until Denki came back with a pack of pacifier, a pack of dinosaurs, and two plushies. Now usually that wouldn't be a problem, but Bakugo didn't think he deserved to get the one extra thing. "Okay bud let's go-" Bakugo interrupted, grabbing Denkis hand "gimme a minute" with that he dragged the boy into the bathroom and one of the stalls. He pulled Denki onto his lap, "okay little boy, listen you haven't been good today at all for me can I get a reason why?" He asked looking at Denki who looked away with a shrug

Bakugo rolled his head letting out a groan and flipped the boy across his lap and brought his hand down his rear. He didn't stop until he started to hear sniffles flipping him back up and holding him close. "Do you know why I had to do that kitten?" He muttered rubbing small circles into his back wanting to let him know why he did it. Denki nodded "I wasn't a good boy" he muttered rubbing one of his eyes and clung onto the other boy. Bakugo nodded and stood leaving the bathroom and joined Kirishima at the door who had already paid and was waiting. The three walked back to the dorm room and helped Denki into a onesie and opened the pack of dinosaurs.

They spent the evening playing with the new toys, and Denki was a perfect angel the rest of the afternoon.

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