🧤 Mittens 🧤

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Featuring little mina!))

"Daddy lookie! So!"

Kirishima almost stood on the window seal jamming his finger against the glass of the window looking towards Katsuki who was busy playing a game with Kaminari on the PlayStation. Mina sat on the bed a pink pacie in her mouth and a yellow crayon in her hand. The two caregivers had decided to let the littles have a play date due to the snow day.

Bakugo hardly glanced over as Kirishima pointed more so just focused on trying to beat the other blonde. "That's nice babes" he said simply went silent once more. Kiri pouted a little bit stomping his foot, he wanted to go outside and his daddy wouldn't even listen. He got an idea. He walked over to mina who was also regressed muttering something to her and received a nod and giggle in return.

The two littles made their way over and while mina distracted the two by standing in front of the television pretending to want attention, Kirishima snuck over and unplugged the PlayStation. The screen went black. Katsuki raised an eye brow slightly as Denki grabbed onto mina tickling her sides happy squeals filling the air, his eyes landed on Kirishima who smiled clearly guilty of something. Bakugo simply shook his head tsking and plugged it back in.

An hour or so passes and this happened 3 or 4 more times before Bakugo stood carrying the red head over his shoulder. He walked to the bed sitting him down and got into the bed side drawer, he pulled out a pair of red mittens. He only used them when Kirishima was really small due to usually accidentally activating his quirk and scratching himself accidentally. Kirishima watched as the mittens were put on "there" Bakugo straightened up and walked back to the television, Kiri was confused and made his way over to mina who was doing a puzzle. He Tried to pick up a piece but failed.

He tried to pick up one of his plushies or his pacifier but that failed to. His bottom lip wobbled, he thought his fingers were stuck that way forever. He slowly made his way over and crawled into bakugos lap sniffing yet watched as the two caregivers played their final round. Once it was over Bakugo sat his controller down and looked at the red head, "I'm sorry bub, but you ya can't act up if you want attention." The blonde knew he screwed up to but not giving him attention in the first place, he gently rocked the boy in his lap back and forth muttering quiet apologies and praises.

Once all the apologies were over Bakugo stood "since ya already have your mittens on, I say we take them outside for a bit" Bakugo looked over at Denki who agreed. The caregivers got their littles ready and made their way outside, it lasted two hours or so before they brought them inside of cocoa and cuddles

 The caregivers got their littles ready and made their way outside, it lasted two hours or so before they brought them inside of cocoa and cuddles

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(Art by: https://myheros-academia.tumblr.com/post/166888276444)

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