You're not Allowed (part 1)

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It was a rainy Saturday, the city was covered in a fog although a glow came from the multiple neons signs and lighting from the buildings way about the ground. In one of these apartments sat a perky blonde boy focused on a laptop and a few pc monitors scattered on his desk. This was keigo takami, originally having tried his hand at college where he'd excelled at computer studies. The blonde had been the top of his class although that was all ruined by the amount of rules he'd broken, vandalism, theft, vaping, and even inappropriate actions on the school grounds. It was very lucky he wasn't arrested, and he would've been if he wasn't wanted by an important league. This league dealt with too secret information and worked pretty closely with the government, at the moment they were working on a project that would help keep track of villain groups activity within the city. It would be the first type of satellite to be able to preform this function, but this league wasn't exactly tech savvy, they'd already been through 5 different prototypes and couldn't risk loosing more money. They needed this little shit.

Hawks was busy programming a neon picture of a dildo onto the closets build-board when there was a knock at his apartment door. The boy stood and wondered over not even bothering to check assuming it was the take out he ordered "fucking took you long enough Eh? Guess what no tip for you-" although Keigo didn't get to finish, as soon as the door was opened a squad of men in black swarmed into his apartment with guns pointed pining the man to the ground. Keigo did fight back kicking and swearing his wings swinging for faces trying to hurt them but he was knocked unconscious and dragged off to the van which drove far outta sight.

Meanwhile at the facility the man in charge did call Dabi to his office. When the rough looking man arrived, the leader did begin to speak without hesitation.

There was a pause. "As you've heard by mouth, or the meetings we've started our satellite project, again, and I've just sent a group of my men to retrieve the tech we've been speaking of. Now he's said to be rebellious, unstructured and unmannered for that matter. Getting him to productively work with us isn't going to be easy. Now to try and much things easier, and drive some sort of good behavior into him, you'll be responsible for him. We'll be attempting this rehabilitation process if you will, regression, we've tried it before and have gotten successful outcomes. His actions and care will fall under you. I'm sure you're not hesitant to bestow some physical harm and that isn't an issue. But we need him alive."

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