Sick Au part 2

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Dabi had went out to collect supplies for Lov of course he didn't offer to, but here he was getting supplies. Dabi was on his way to a different shop after picking up groceries when the blonde man had bumped into him he shifted the groceries to one hand getting ready to stop the man but after seeing it was pro hero hawks he said nothing he didn't want to draw attention to himself and so he instead watched as he ran off, watching until he became a blurr in all the people. He continued on with his supplie run heading to different shops.

When hawks got to work several people greeted him one of them being Rumi "hey keigo how's it going?" She asked him as she took a sip of her morning coffee she picked up on the way to work. Staring for a short conversation with the blonde she sat at the table sitting across from him, once he didn't reply she asked again "Hawks? Are you ok?" Once eeing him get up and bolt to the bathroom she quickly bolted up from her seat and knocked of the outer door. "keigo? Should I get a health tech???" She worried as she waited for a reply but before she could get an answer several others ran over to see what had happened and before he knew it Endeavor was in the bathroom knocking on his stall.

"Hawks what's going on.?" Endeavor asked knocking once more "do you need a health tech?." Endeavor asked in a slight tone of disapproval and impatiently

Hawks remained within the bathroom until someone came in. His hands shook quite violently as he held onto the porcelain bowl below himself begging his body internally not to vomit. He was scared, terrified even small beads of sweat dripped down his nose and onto the floor as he took deep breaths to keep himself together. The blonde haired boy hadn't even noticed that someone HAD stepped into the bathroom, he quickly grabbed his phone texting Rumi to come get him. At the sudden voice hawks jumped almost dropping his phone into the toilet, 'Shit! It's enji, if I get busted here this is it' hawks clenched his teeth together and smoothed down his wings. He made himself look somewhat presentable compared to earlier although it didn't change much.

Hawks stretched and straightened himself up from the floor, putting on a masked tone and grin as good measure "there's plenty of other stalls yeah? Or was your big ice heart just so curious about what I was doing." He stepped out lightly nudging the other away with his wing so he could wash his hands. Hawks avoided eye contact keeping it closely to the water until he was done. He NEEDED to get outta there fast and head down to the pharmacy to get his pills otherwise this wasn't gonna be a functional day. "Now if you'll excuse me Endeavor. I gotta go Grace other people with my presence" He chuckled under his breath shoving his hands into his pockets and walked out, hawks made sure he wasn't being followed immediately of course and as soon as he stepped out it was an immediate run and fly down to the pharmacy. He couldn't be fired he wouldn't be able to handle it, assigned littles weren't supposed to be hero's. He was living two very different lives at the same time.

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