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"Cmon Bro! Iida said he wanted us there by 8:30!"
Kiri jogged down the hallway of the dorms looking around. Bakugo followed behind letting out a yawn and rubbing one of his eyes not as excited or motivated to get there.

IIda was going on a late night training secession and wouldn't be back till later. Though he was worried about only one person in particular.

The red and blonde haired males made their way to the blue haired boys dorm, Kirishima being the one to knock. Iida opened the door holding an electric blonde in one of his arms. Kaminari clung onto iida face pressed down into his neck legs wrapped around his waist.

"Where have you two been!? You're five minutes late, this is unacceptable!" The boy went off on one of his rants while Bakugo growled and grabbed the electric blonde and pushed iida out the door shutting it back. He had been woken up from a nap for this, so he wasn't in the best of moods. Kirishima took Denki rubbing small circles into his back seeing as the boy was feeling fairly little. Bakugo watched begrudgingly, he didn't wanna share his daddy with anyone. He sat down in the floor arms crossed against his chest.

"Let's see babes" Kirishima hummed and sat Kaminari in the floor and walked to the closet grabbing two coloring books and a box of Crayons. "Can you two be good for me while I got fix some bottles?" He asked looking at the two boys in the floor, not really receiving an answer though went to the kitchen anyways. Denki started to scribble on a drawing of a duck with a green crayon. Bakugo started to color a picture of a cat using an orange one, he pulled out his paci from his pocket and stuck it in his mouth chewing on nub seeing as he liked it that way better. He went back to coloring until Denki started to come on his sheet, Bakugo growled a bit and pulled his coloring book away though Denki seemed to follow.

"Okay babies I'm back" Kirishima walked into the room watching the two boys on the floor coloring together this time, he smiled and sat a bottle of banana milk next to kaminari and a bottle of vanilla next to Bakugo. "Nap time soon little dudes okay? Then your daddy should be back after they denks" Kirishima smiled watching the boys enjoy the drinks they had been given. It took 15 or so minutes and a hide and seek game before the littles were completely tired out. Kirishima put Bakugo into a small play pin and put Denki in the bed. He laid down beside of Kaminari so he wouldn't fall out of the bed. Though Bakugo still didn't like it; he whined standing up as he wanted out. Kirishima sighed and stood "only for five Minutes okay bud?-"

Iida hurried down the hallway, it was completely dark as he relied heavily on the hallway lights. He made his way to his dorm "hey guys I'm so sorry for keeping you here so lon-" he didn't finish as he opened the door giving a gentle smile. The three were completely cuddled up onto the bed. Fast asleep

He had the best friends and babysitters ever

He had the best friends and babysitters ever

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