Tiny Tot

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Nooo I don't ship them, I see them as a brother and sister dynamic that's it.)) (this is not technically a ship post)

"You're gonna fall"
"Nu not!"
"Fine, don't come crying to me when you bust your as- head against the floor"

Dabi sat on the couch blue eyes traveling up and down, they were focused on the blonde girl jumping on the couch. Even though Shigaraki told her multiple times she couldn't do. He didn't care. Toga was an age regressor, she age was usually around 2-5 sometimes younger depending on her mood. Today she was around four.

A sippy cup full of apple juice, graciously give to her by Kurogiri, bounced with her close to the point of her dropping it although was somehow staying in place. Dabi held a hand under hers just in case. He looked away and to the television arm stretching across the back of the couch. While toga was watching her cartoons he decided she was busy that was enough not to miss them. He turned the channel to one of his own shows "Heyyy- change backs" she demanded as she had stopped jumping

Dabi was quick to come up with an excuse, "Nah cmon kid, nap time" he stood although toga was already gone. It wasn't uncommon for her to hide at even the mention of a nap, this started hide and seek. There wasn't many places to hide, he walked down the room, then to his bedroom. He stopped by the Kitchen replacing the juice for just a bit of milk before continuing his search. He walked to the bathroom hearing a small giggle, toga hid behind the shower curtain. "Ohh, I see the bathroom ghost is back" he said receiving another giggle, inna quick motion he scooped her up from the tub. She squealed and clung onto him "nu fairs"she muttered

Dabi shrugged walking to her door carrying her as the blonde took the cup. She was clearly tired but to stubborn to admit it. He slowly places her in the bed turning to leave. "Munsters" the girl whimpered pointing to the closet Dabi stopped. He looked at the girl pouted waiting he sighed, he made his way over to the closet looking inside and under the bed "there's no monsters" he straightened up from under the bed and looked at the blonde who slept quietly

Dabi scoffed a laugh turning off the light, the night light illuminating the room. "Goodnight Toga"

 "Goodnight Toga"

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