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This is a request for TR4N5_K1NG Thanks so much for the idea!))

Outside it was raining, now due to the season it wasn't uncommon but it did make the day seem a little lazier than usual. And Koji Koda was one of the boys who was particularly feeling it. It was around 11:30 in the morning and although he usually woke up around 9 or so he was feel particularly sleepy that day.

Koda slowly sat up letting out a small yawn, he rubbed one of his eyes. He looked around his dorm
For a moment trying to fully wake up. In his grip sat a stuffed dinosaur which he usually slept with, but of course due to his personality no one would really think of it like that. Koji was half way in between head spaces making him feel extra floaty and honestly happy. He forces himself outta bed? Then fixes it placing the dino by the pillows so he could get some rest. Koda pulled on a late hoodie and shorts before walking from the room. He walked into the kitchen and instead of coffee he walked over to the coffee pot and placed a hot chocolate pot inside. He sat his mug underneath waiting.

Meanwhile tokoyami made his way into the kitchen. He wore a robe and slick black slippers not bothering to get dressed in regular clothes. "Good morning, Koji koda" he greeted. His own voice was very rough and deep from having had been asleep. It pushed koda over the edge, not that it took much as it caused him to fully slip. He was around the age of 4 as his hot chocolate finished he spoke "m..mornin toko" he manages to get out. Tokoyami could tell something was wrong as it didn't take a fool to notice. Koda walked into the living room and sat down with his drink managing not to spill. Tokoyami followed his own black coffee in hands as he sat down next to him not particularly thinking anything of it.

Although he felt the other cuddle against him completely soon after he did. Toko looked at the other gently rubbing his back. He knew koda was a little so this didn't surprise him, he'd just never fully experienced it. Although he got his phone from his pocket taking the mug of hot chocolate from the boy who allowed him to, it was just so he didn't burn himself or spill. Toko had texted Mina since he knew she cared for the boy often for when he slipped. Mina quickly texted back that she's be right there. Meanwhile tokoyami walked to the kitchen with Koji in tow, toko poured the warm drink into a bottle and gave that to him instead. Koda accepted it happily letting out soft squeaks as he rocked on his heels.

Mina kept her word and arrived as quickly as she could letting out a fake surprised gasp "is that my koko?" She teased him a bit making the boy cover his face and almost hide behind tokoyami. He nodded biting on the tip of the cup he drank out of. Mina cooed for a moment offering her hand over, "such a big boy, c'mon bubba let's go get you into something comfy hm?" She offered although surprisingly he absolutely refused to leave tokoyami. Koda simply clung onto the taller bird boy. Mina thought for a moment, "Ill tell you what, if you come get your comfy clothes on, we can watch whatever movie you want"'koda thought for a moment "eweryone?" The question surprised the girl who nodded and koda willingly came over. Mina straightened up holding the boy this time, she looked towards tokoyami
"Hey toko, could you please go invite everyone to a little movie get together?" She asked as tokoyami nodded.

Tokoyami invited everyone. And everyone came. Plus the big three, shinso, tetsutetsu tetsutetsu, Seb KaiBara, neito monoma, and Shihai Kuroiro. The living room was crowded. Mostly everyone wore their pajamas and was talking among each other. Koda had chosen How to Train Your Dragon 2. No one argued if they did Bakugo would send an explosive their way and that shut them up real fast. Koda was cuddled up with toko who he absolutely adored. Soon enough they started the movie. Along with Koda there was a few littles such as Bakugo who was cuddled up with kirishima, Shinso was cuddled with denki, jirou was with Momo, uraka with Tsu, mina with Sero, and Deku with todoroki. Even if they weren't little s they cuddled it seemed or a majority of them did.

Although soon enough it was time for dinner. Shouji had volunteered to cook and Koda wanted to help willingly to leave toko just for that little bit. Shouji brought the little to the kitchen and they made spaghetti, afterwards they baked peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and shouji let koda lick the spoon when they were done creating a very happy little causing him to regress further . Once the cookies had gotten finished baking they severed the food, eating in the living room area. The food was delicious. After dinner mina showed tokoyami how to how a bottle for the little who had avoided words just letting out happy giggles and gurgles most of the time. Koda looked away from the movie and to the bottle filled with warm strawberry milk. He latched on without hesitation drinking away.

Pretty soon the milk worked it's magic and the littles eyes dropped slightly. Most of the others were asleep and that included tokoyami. Koda smiled wide and relaxed against the bird boy that held him

He had the best friends ever

He had the best friends ever

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