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"Sweep party?"

Tamaki was obviously confused yet intrigued as he sat on his bed already in a rather comfortable onesie. He had a paci attached to clip, he often lost them and it usually made him sad when he did. He held on tightly to a octopus plushie his daddy had gotten him when he first found out he was little. Mirio stood in front of the bed beaming and nodding. "That's right baby! We're gonna have a sleep over with Neji tonight" mirio ruffled the boys hair receiving a small whine from the little who pulled the hoodie over his head and gave covering them both, although nodded giving an okay to the sleepover.

It was getting closer to the time of the party and tamaki was out of headspace yet hadn't changed out of his onesie. In fact he was asleep on the floor being very stubborn not to be moved from his comfy position. Mirio had went to get them food for the night leaving the boy a note on the television. Luckily it only took thirty minutes before tamaki woke up groggily back aching due to sleeping on the floor. "Mirio-" he looked around the dorm obviously not seeing him. Where had he gone? Luckily the ravenette had seen the note, mirio should've only been gone for fifteen minutes yet it had been thirty.
Where was he?

Tamaki slowly stood rubbing one of his eyes wearily. He paced the room, what if he just left him alone forever? What if he had been taken while on his way to the store? What if- although his thoughts were interrupted by the door starting to open. It scared him. The boy hid under the bed covering his mouth as he watched the pair of feet walk about the form sitting something on the table. He could only see feet so he wasn't sure who it was. He quietly reaches a hand out watching it turn into octopus tentacles and wrap around the guys ankles. Luckily it didn't make him fall, "tamaki?" Mirio's voice filled the air. Tamaki immediately climbed out from under the bed retracting his hand making it go back to normal and clinging onto the other. Mirio smiled and gently kissed the boys cheek, "party time" he ruffled his hair again.

Nejire arrived not long after. She had brought sodas, along with cupcakes "yeah! Let's get this night started!" Mirio chuckled "I don't think we're gonna get that crazy Neji" he smiled and chuckled watching her pout "boo." Although the food was divided and the movies for the night were put on. They were mostly horror related. Through the night either Nejire or Mirio would jump at sudden parties only
To be cuddled by tamaki soon after either getting regular talk or simple babbles of comfort.

Finally around 1:30 or so in the morning Nejire was completely sacked out. Mirio was about to be asleep while tamaki laid on his chest half way cuddled between them. "Dada" he muttered looking at the blonde, "yeah bud?"

"I's like da sweep over"
Mirio chuckled smiling kissing the males forehead before gently rubbing his back eyes closing "im glad my little Octopus." And the three slept the whole night comforted by each other's company, and didn't take up until much later in the morning having to deal with tummy aches from reaching all the junk food, but of course they'd do it again.

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