Mall trip!

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I'm backkk! Probably as I've finished up all my classes!))

"Suki suki! Fastew"

Kirishima laughed as he tugged his poor blonde boyfriend and little space caregiver into the mall. Shinso, mina, Sero, Denki followed them simply laughing. Bakugo himself grumbled as he tried to follow and control the very excited red head, he needed one of those damn child leashes. "I'm coming Kirishima, just chill the fuck out for a second" he muttered the swear under his breath just so the other didn't hear.

"I say we split up, me Sero and Bakugo in one group and Shinso, Denki and Kirishima in the other group" mina piped up as she waited for their response, she knew bakuog needed a break and Shinso nodded perfectly fine with taking both littles at the moment. Kirishima was fully on board, Bakugo was hesitant but slowly agreed. With that they split into their respective groups and made their way off, agreeing to meet at the food court by one. Shinso watched the others go sighing as he was tugged off through the mall, "I can do this, just how hard can it be?" The insomniac gave himself a Pep talk, he was right just how hard COULD it be.

"Denki baby, we can't get that, it won't fit in either of our dorms. I'll get you the smaller version" shinso offered looking towards the 10ft plush bear his boyfriend wanted. The electric blond shook his head heavily giving a short huff. Shinso checked the time, they'd been to the book store for himself and then the rest of the time at the toy store for the other two. "Cmon-" Shinso offered his hand over "it's time to go get lunch" despite the small fit Denki accepted the others hand. He'd already gotten a bag of toys anyways. "Cmon Kirishima-" this time the pause was longer as he looked around "Kirishima?" He questioned a bit louder. He wasn't there, oh shit.

Shinso lead Denki quickly down the mall hollering for Kirishima luckily not running into the others, that's all he needed. They searched the mall up and down for a good ten minutes before they were forced to come to the food court, what if villains had taken him, what if he was just lost and they couldn't find him. However his fears were pushed away seeing Kirishima sitting next to Katsuki like nothing ever happened.

He got his and denkis food, and sat down with the others. Shinso explained what happened to Katsuki who seemed a bit pissed and pulled something out of a bag he'd bought. A large child's harness, and with this Kirishima wasn't able to run away the rest of their mall trip

 A large child's harness, and with this Kirishima wasn't able to run away the rest of their mall trip

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