Fort McFort

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(W-whatt not a boy x boy chapter 👀👀)

Ochako stood in her kites focused on the mixture in front of himself. She gently stirred a pot on the stove bringing it to a low heat before picking it up and off the stove. She poured it into the blender along with some vanilla exact, vanilla ice cream, and ice. The hot mixture having had been milk. She added in a small amount of Tylenol making sure you could taste it.

Her girlfriend had gotten sick earlier that day and had been asleep every since not wanting to go to their room as she liked to be close. As quiet as she could Uraka started the blender mixing the mixture up into a cool drink putting it Into a sippy cup. She pulled a few Mochi's from the cabinet and walked quietly into the living room. A few chairs were in a circle already. Ochako sat the snacks down and went to work. Himiko Toga was her girlfriend, and also her baby girl she usually regressed to the age of 1-5. Ochako hated how her baby didn't feel well, so she wanted to at least boost her spirits. Ochako made a big blanket fort out of the sheets from the house and placed stickers and a rotating night light to make cute little markings on the sheets

Once she was finished she placed the snacks inside, the television ready to play a Disney movie. Ochako walked over gently shaking her girlfriend awake "hey baby, come see what momma made" she slowly picked the blonde up who rubbed her eyes sleepily letting out a yawn. Though as soon as she saw the fort she immediately perked up, Toga wiggles to get down very excited. Ochako let her down and toga made her way inside clapping "tank you mommas!" She peeked out as Ochako crawled in, Toga crawled into her lap as the movie 101 Dalmatians played. Ochako gently wrapped his arms around the girls waist.

"I luv you momma"
"I love you to my little vampire"

"I luv you momma" "I love you to my little vampire"

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