Sweet Tooth

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⚠️ Hello! This chapter contains Smut! Though were is some cuddling etc towards the end so you can skip ahead if you'd like! ⚠️

It was fall! Meaning that the weather was cool, pumpkin spice flavor was out and the leaves turned cool colors! One particular red head especially loves the fall meaning it was closer to Halloween, his absolute favorite holiday. It was a chilly Wednesday morning, a few leaves had fallen due to the change though most remained green. Kirishima sat on top of Bakugo's bed, the two were hanging out playing Mario Kart, Bakugo was loosing for the third time in a row.

"Andddd...boom! Champion!" Kirishima shot off the bed tossing the controller onto the sheets behind himself. His character, Princess peach, made her way across the finish line first and Bakugo's character, Bowser, made it in second. Bakugo grumbled a bit sitting his own controller down holding back the urge to chuck it. "Whatever, looser I wouldn't get to cocky" he said simply with a shrug. Kirishima turned so that he faced the blonde headed boy walking over and gently kissing his nose. "Whatcha gonna do about it?" Kirishima could think of multiple things that the boy could do, and honestly it made him excited.

Without so much as a word Bakugo turned so that Kirishima fell onto the bed, he sat on top. Kirishima placed his hands on top of the males knees face semi red mostly due to excitement though was also nervous. He'd never done anything like this before. "Is this okay?" Bakugo asked suddenly leaning down and kissing down the males neck, his tongue caressing against them males windpipe momentarily. "M..mhm~" Kirishima close to whimpered out leaning his head to the side allowing more access pressing his hips up against the male on top of himself.

Bakugo nibbled down the males neck leaving a light hickey towards his shoulder area. Kirishima reached up and interlocked his knuckles in the Bakugo's shirt close to ripping it off as he tugged it aside before doing his own. Kirishima interlocked his fingers within the blondes hair gripping it tightly as a rock hard erection poked out from his boxers. Bakugou fumbled with Kirishima's pants unzipping them and taking off his own, he smirked looking down towards the bulge. He pulled them into a passionate kiss, running his own tongue against the shape edges of his teeth. "You taste so good~" he muttered grinding his hips down teasingly.

"No fair" Kirishima held back a whine in his tone letting out a sharp breath. Bakugou scoffed a small laugh and removed their underwear, Kirishima felt his face go blood red as he looked away. Bakugo smiled gently caressing the males cheek "you're so handsome" he said almost reassuringly. "Bakugo" Kirishima placed his hands into the males chest stopping him, "I've never really, done anything like this before" he admitted. Bakugo shrugged "me neither"

Bakugo removed their boxers and ran a tongue over three of his fingers inserting them into the red head to prep him. Kirishima let out a short pleasured moan back arching slightly as they were pumped in and out of himself. It only took a few minutes before Bakugo removed them and inserted himself instead. Kirishima squirmed being a bit uncomfortable due to how big he was though slowly began to adjust walls stretching to fit it. Without warning Bakugo began to thrust, going slow at first though as time progressed getting harder. Kirishima almost drooled getting all the pain and pleasure from each thrust.

After thirty minutes or so Bakugo began to get sloppy with his thrusts; "close" Kirishima muttered and Bakugo nodded giving a few more thrusts giving a final hard one before spilling into the male. Kirishima groaned and released himself the erection going away.

Bakugo flopped off of him and onto the bed, Kirishima snuggled up to him being fairly sweaty and sticky but not caring. Bakugo wrapped an arm around him kissing his forehead "you're the only sweet I have a sweet tooth for"

Kirishima laughed closing his eyes "you're corny"

Authors Note- Aaaa! Thank you all so much for 1k reads! That's absolutely crazy to me! Thanks so much to kawaii_hooman_ for the sweet comments on almost every single chapter!

Authors Note- Aaaa! Thank you all so much for 1k reads! That's absolutely crazy to me! Thanks so much to kawaii_hooman_ for the sweet comments on almost every single chapter!

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