You're Not Allowed (Part 2)

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The Saturday morning had started off for any day for Dabi. As the morning went on, he dressed in his usual all black and had his coffee. When his phone went off he was quick to respond to the message. "Come in? Now? Fine whatever" he puts his phone in his pocket and grabs his keys.

As he walked into the office, a proud smirk crept on his face. He walks into the office sitting in the chair with a slouch backwards. He listens for a bit and his face turned serious. He process what was being said 'Unstructured and rebellious eh? Why the heck do they need this guy so badly then?' He thought.

He folds his hands together and looks him in the eye. "Alive you say? Hm. If he is as rebellious as you've told me why do we bother trying to 'rehabilitate' him?" He uses air quotes not fully on board with the idea but not minding the idea of having a chance at this intrestinf opportunity. "Just how important is this guy to your project anyhow?" He raises an eyebrow at him

"He's the one who created it. Unless you feel like working your weekends for months. I suggest you keep him alive."

The boss glanced over when the delinquent was brought in, Keigo had received a black eye and a busted nose from his struggle with the swat team. He'd been taken to their hospital wing and nothing was serious injured or broken. The boss looked off and towards the papers on his desk "yes well, I doubt it's going to be as pleasant as you're assuming. We're just trying to get some sort of cooperation started, get him to work on the project when he will. Good luck" with that the boss signaled him away. A team had already gotten one of the home like areas ready which was used for if they had hostages it had bedrooms, the regression room, a kitchen, bathrooms, living room and about anything a regular house would have in a flat set up. Hawks was hoisted off and to the home area and plopped down in one of the spare bedrooms roughly all that was left was for hawks to wake up.

Keigo was sacked out for a few hours or so before he softly pushed himself up into a sitting position with a short groan rubbing his good eye to wake himself up. He didn't recognize the bedroom unsurprisingly and immediately became angry and some what fearful. Hawks wondered from the bedroom looking around

Dabi ponders what he says and huffs a bit. "Alright fine" he sits back in his chair for a moment. "I guess I can give it a go-" he cuts himself off as he sees the boss turn his glance.

He looks over at Kiego and looks him head to toe. 'That's him? Damn he must have fought hard given his face. Probably help him patch it up later if he'll let me' He glances over to the boss as he spoke again. He nods a bit and let's out a sigh with a smirk. "I'll do my best without trying to hurt him." He stands up and walks out of the room, putting his hands in his pockets as he follows the men carrying Keigo from the room. As they set him down he would take the time to tour around for a while. He made note of every area, and what he had around to make sure he wasn't surprised by anything. He would close the door of the regression room, not to overwhelm Keigo in the first hour.

As time when on he drives to make some food for the both of them. He goes with ramen, boiling the water and getting some veggies and eggs on as well. He hears footsteps and doesn't look away from the chopping he was doing. "Finally awake huh?" He says with a smirk

Hawks ran a hand through his blonde hair with a short yawn, he had a growing headache and even his wings hurt. "Stupid fucking bastards" he grouched and grumbled. The boy hadn't noticed Dabi while he was in there although now that he was exploring the place he could hear the boiling of the pots and chopping . Hawks did walk about peeking into rooms both outta curiosity and searching for dangers. Unsurprisingly it wasn't hard to find the regression room, it was filled with pastels and soft items just so he wouldn't get hurt. Hawks wrinkled his nose backing away his hands balling into fists, he stormed into the kitchen where the voice had came from  his golden eyes landing on Dabi. He closed the distance and shoved the man against the wall not bothering to be gentle

"Who the fuck are you! What the hell is this place. Take me home, right now you sick pervert."
Hawks pretty much yelled his teeth clenching together, "what's with that sissy room down the hall, one of your weird kinks huh? Well guess what charred bastard I'm Leaving." Hawks did release Dabi from the hall and stormed out of the room leaving and to the front door, he opened it and an alarm rang out signaling it was open without employee permission

Dabi would simply keep chopping vegetables till he saw him get close. He drops the knife in his hand and puts his hands up in defence. "Hold on a moment birdie-!!" He grunts as he hit the wall. 'Making it real hard not to restrain myself there bud'

Dabi purs his hands in his pockets just a smirks on his face. "Oh you doing the regression Room already? Well-" he stops as he moves away and watches him. "I wouldn't do that if I were you it's gonna trip the-" as the alarm goes off he sighs and covers his ears storming over and closing it. "The alarm. Don't open the door. That's rule number one. Now" he blocks him from the door. "Care to listen to me for a moment? You're not gonna get out of here right now. So just listen"

 So just listen"

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