Prissy Princess

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Mina Ashido, Or often known as Mimi to a few people who she took care of while they were in little space. It was rare but sometimes the pink alien would slip into headspace herself. Her headspace was usually 2-5 years old, and her boyfriend Denki Kaminari was her daddy. Though Kaminari had a training exercise with Jiro and Tokoyami, meaning the girl was under the care of her uncles for the day. Usually she was a pretty good princess, though that day she was feeling extra bratty seeing as her uncles let her get away with more than her daddy did.

The morning started out with Kirishima~

"Cmon rockstar, time to clean up your toys and get some breakfast" Kirishima said trying to coax the girl to come willingly. Mina looked from her playing session, she was just about to save the prince from the evil witch when uncle Kiwi ruined it. "No! You cwean" the girl stomped her foot throwing one of the dolls at the red head, before running off and hiding under the bed giggling.

Then the afternoon was spent with Sero~

"Please Princess?" Sero asked looking at the girl across from himself, he had been trying for a good thirty minutes to get the girl to drink her milk. Though his efforts weren't working as seen by the pouting girl, "stawberry!" She said smacking her hands against the table. Sero rubbed his temples "you can't have strawberry milk right now maybe later" though that just caused a whole new set of tears and tantrums.

And finally it was just around when Kaminari was supposed to come back, she spent the time with Bakugo~

Bakugo had heard about the problems she had chased the other two throughout the day, he wasn't gonna put up with it.  " 1..2-" Katsuki held up his fingers as he counted, so far the girl had been fairly well behaved though during a game of Candy Land, Mina had flipped the board splitting it in the process. Mina crossed her arms brows furrowed in reply. Bakugo clenched his teeth together walking over and picked the girl up placing her in the corner, "time out, kid." The blonde started to the walk away but the pink alien quickly got out of the corner. The two played the back and forth game, Bakugo kept biting her back to the corner, after 15 minutes he was starting to lose it. He walked to the electric blondes dorm, where most of the little space supplies was. He brought her over to a play pen with sides "20 minute quiet time." Bakugo sat down on the bed fully ignoring her. The girl went back to her fits though slowly started to quiet down, as Kaminari walked into the room.

"Daddy!" Mina smiles and stood reaching for the boy. Kaminari smiled "hey princess" he said picking her up with ease before sitting in the space where Katsuki has been sitting. "I heard something today" he said as she looked at him with curiosity. He continued "I heard that someone wasn't a very good princess today." Mostly hoping to get out of any punishment Mina teared up letting out small sniffles "do you have any reason why?" She shook her head.

Kaminari stretched the girl out across his lap stomach down. He gently rubbed her back "I think 20 spankings is enough, ready?" When he received the sly nod Denki started the punishment. By the end the girl was close to sobbing blabbering apologizes. He held the girl close whipping the tears away gently rubbing her back until the sobs dyed down to small hiccups. "Now there's one more thing I think we need to do."

"What's the daddy?" Mina asked looking at the boy rubbing one of her eyes.

"Apologize to your uncles silly goose" Denki smiled ruffling her hair as he walked out of the room. The boys were watching a movie in Kirishimas dorm, the only disturbance was when Denki moves in front of the screen holding the pink girl.

"Oi, move out of the way duce face!" Bakugo baited from his position on the couch.

"I know, I know just a second dude someone has something they wanna say" Denki said sitting Mina down and stepped outta the way. The three other boys stared at her expectantly.

Mina played with her shirt looking at the floor, "I sowwy! I be a good girl from now on, promise!" She held up her pinky finger as she rocked on her heels. Each boy took the pinky wrapping it around their own,

"Yea Yea, just don't do it again" Bakugo tsked as he looked back to the screen.

Mina giggled joining the boys in watching the movie, holding a comfy position on her daddy's lap. "I pwomise I'll be a nice princess."

(Authors note- hello everyone! I actually like this chapter! Thank you to @Kawaii_Hooman_ for suggesting the ship! Definitely check their stories out!

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