The Zoo

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(Continuing off the last part 😌)


Bakugo grunted a bit each time he felt the feet hit the back of his seat. He glared in the rear view mirror. Kirishima sat in the back gigging clearly finding the blondes frustration funny, he jabbed his feet into the seat again.
"Are we there yet?" Bakugo looked away and back to the road ignoring the boys question. He'd already asked 3 times. Luckily for Bakugos sake they arrived at the entrance of the zoo and he got out.

Kirishima wiggled in the backseat wanting out as he messed with the seatbelt. For him this was taking forever, he wanted to go see the sharks. Bakugo walked to the back door and opened it letting the very excited boy out. He simply let out a amused chuckle "now listen Kirishima, I want you to stay close to daddy while we're here okay?" He asked receiving a nod in reply. With that the two walked into the zoo.

The pair explored close to the whole place looking at all the different animals, though they visited the shark exhibit twice as a request made by Kirishima. The last section they visited was the gift shop, Bakugo lead the tired little inside. "Okay teddy bear, you can pick one thing than we gotta go home alright"

"Okay daddy" Kirishima said mid yawn and walked off to explore the section filled with different odds n ins. He was immediately drawn to the stuffies that were displayed on a large wall in the back. He rocked on his heels thinking and eventually decided on a dragon plushie eating a fish. He brought it back to Katsuki who paid for it and the two started back towards the car.

Kirishima stopped midway and whines reaching his hands up to be held. Bakugo groaned a bit though complied and carried the sleepy boy back to the car. He placed him into the back kissing his forehead and buckled him up before getting into the drivers seat.

Bakugo drove in silence except for the soft snoring of the boy behind him, who clung onto his new friend the whole ride back to the dorms.

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