💤Sleepy baby 💤

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The sun shown through the windows of the UA building. It was a lazy Wednesday mid evening, most people just wanted to be done for the day. This included a particular black haired male, Shota stood in front of the board and by his desk. His bored and very monotone voice filling the room as he went over information about what the plan was for the remainder of class. It wasn't anything difficult, read pages 45-50 of the text book and do questions 1-7 on the next page. Shota just wanted to give a quickly easy assignment as he didn't feel like dealing with else currently. He sat down at his desk placing his face into his hands.

Hizashi smiled as he walked to his husband's class , so badly wanting to pull the shorter male into his arms and kiss him passionately. But sadly he was just grabbing one of his students so the kid could make up a test. He knocked on the door and walked into the room, only to see Shota laying face down on his desk. "Mr Aizawa, can i steal Kirishima for a moment?" He asked with a bright smile.

Aizawa was on the verge of falling asleep, not that it was a shock. His finger tips just touching the edge of the desk when he was fully stretched out. He lifted himself up a little bit at the name he knew all to well. "Yea, that's fine" aizawa said before placing his head back onto the desk eyes closing again.

Hizashi took kirishima to the testing room and came back to the classroom, dragging Shota into the hall and towards the staff room. As they walked in Hizashi opened the door and locked it behind them "What's wrong sweetheart, is my baby boy sleepy?" He cooed at the other male softly.

Shota attempted to go back to sleep listening to the conversation a few students were having. He didn't give much complaint as the blonde dragged him out of the room. "Mm hush" Shota said though pressed his forehead against the males shoulder.

Hizashi smiled and pulled Shota into his lap and bounced him softly on his knee "Someone didn't go to bed when I told them to huh, and now i have a very sleepy baby on my hands" he spoke and patted Shota's bottom "This is why we listen to daddy sweetheart"

Shota stayed close to the other just mostly enjoying the comfort he provided. "I was busy, besides the coffee works better." He attempted to stand again, "as much as I want to stay here and be your little baby Hizashi, I have kids to watch so they don't kill each other"

Hizashi sighed and kissed Shota softly "Very well, but tonight you're all mine" he let the other male stand then stood up himself "And you better stay awake during your classes, I dont want to walk in on you sleeping again, is that understood sweetheart?"

Shota popped his back as he stood stretching in the process heading over to the door. "Yea Yea I got it, just don't come in my room if you don't wanna see me sleeping" he smiled a little bit with a wink. Shota walked back to his room.

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