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"Kirishima, for the hundredth time, stop shaking the box"

Kirishima sat on the couch in the common area focused on the large Christmas tree and the box in his hands which was for him. He wore a reindeer onesie, even his pacifier had Christmas tree on it. "Bu daddy, I wan see" he shook it once more listening to it rattle. Bakugo sighed and stood walking over and picking him up pulling the box and sitting it back under the tree.

"You're the one who wanted to watch the damn movie so watch it" the swear received him a gasp making him growl momentarily. The blonde had been suckered into watching Rudolph for the third time that week. Although kirishima wasn't interested in the slightest to watch the movie. He stayed on the males lap kicking his feet back and forth idly, as he had predicted it wasn't long into the movie did Bakugo start to snore. He usually feel asleep during movies. Kirishima slowly slid down from the males lap and back to the tree

He crouched down and looked at the present, maybe he could open just one. No one would miss it right. He slowly picked at the tape and quietly as he could tore at the wrapping paper. He had only gotten a little bit of wrapping paper off when the blonde sat up. Bakugo rolled his eyes and stood picking the red head up. He turned off the movie and headed to Kirishima's room sitting him on the bed. "Ya can wait, it's only two days away" he moved about the room cleaning the toys up and sitting them in their bin. "Bedtime" of course this earned him a whine "I nu sweepy dadda" almost outta pure spite a yawned escaped him and he rubbed one of his eyes.

Bakugo rolled his eyes turning on the brats sound machine and pulled the blankets down over top of him. He started to leave the room until he felt hands gripping his shirt and pull him back to the bed. "The fu-" he didn't finish. Kirishima didn't like being alone when in headspace. The little cuddled up to his side and the pacifier bobbed idly in his lips. Bakugo smiled momentarily running fingers through the males hair eyes closing himself.

The presents were safe..for now

for now

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