My Guardian ● Part 17

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*Niall’s POV*

What just happened? Could that really be Zayn as in the Zayn from the pictures I’d been shown, from the stories I’d been told.

When Sophia found out the first time round about her brother it tore her apart, she’d been lonely for so long and I knew that was half my fault. When she’d found out she had ran away and came to me but I could only confirm the new information, I’d known since I could remember but had always sworn never to tell. I regret not telling her so much. I drove her away because I hadn’t told her the truth, I hadn’t been the friend she needed and I couldn’t be the one to protect her like the brother she needed.

Sophia had always wanted a brother; I guess that’s why we got on so well, I became more of her brother than a friend over time, taking Zayn’s place. Except over time I’d also fallen hard for her and she was completely oblivious to it. I pushed her away thinking if I couldn’t be happy just being her friend, it would be easier to shut her out but I was horrendously wrong.

I relaxed my back against the kitchen cupboard. Wow. I’d finally met her brother wow. I couldn’t get my head around it, they didn’t look more alike but I guess if you looked closely you could point out a few similarities, for example their eyes, there was something about their eyes, they were the same shape and their smiles, I’d only caught a glimpse of Zayn’s smile for a second but now I think back to it, it looked exactly like Sophia’s smile.

Did Sophia know he was here? He looked pretty shocked himself when I said it, maybe he had no idea, maybe he was just a close friend but he had to know, I mean he must know she is his sister if he knew her. Does she even know?

*Louis’ POV*

We sat in complete silence for ages before Zayn finally stood up whipping his cheeks and putting on his normal straight face and standing up. “Urm sorry about that.” He apologised as he removed himself from my arms.

“No problem dude.” I said ruffling his hair; I was going to miss doing that.

“So Sophia’s my sister? Wow that’s insane, I have family.” He shook his head a small smile appearing on his lips.

“Crazy right? But hey I guess there are a few similarities.” Zayn’s face scrunched up waiting for me to explain. “Your eyes, they’re the same shape and colour and when you both smile it’s kind of the same, now I think back its ridiculous how we didn’t notice before!”

Zayn sat smiling to himself in his own world. “I’ve got a sister.” He said quietly to himself as if by repeating the truth it would make it more believable.

“Gonna be a lot of work man, you got to protect her all the time, when she cries you got to be there, when she needs help with something as simple as getting rid of a spider you got to be there, when a guy is after her you’ve got to make sure he doesn’t hurt her and if he does you’ve got to make him pay.” I said in a serious tone holding him by the shoulders Zayn nodding at the information his face going deadly serious to prove himself.

“I will, I’ll be there for her through everything no one is going to touch her!” Zayn’s eyebrows knotted and his eyes widened slightly. “Horan can keep his grubby mitts to his fucking self the little shit, if he hurts her I swear to god..”

I chuckled at Zayn working himself up already. “Save it for now dude.” I patted him on the back and he nodded.

“I can’t protect her from everything though can I?”

I stuttered for a moment before shaking my head.

“She’s going to get hurt and heartbroken at some point?” Zayn asked. I nodded in reply. “And it’s going to be soon isn’t it?” I looked down but nodded again. “And there is nothing I can do?”

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now