My Guardian ● Part 13

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*Louis’ POV*

“I thought I knew what it was Louis, but now I’m not sure, I mean what if it was really she needs to find her brother or find out about him? I mean I never even knew she had a brother, I don’t even know how her parents died for god’s sake!” Harry kicked a rock hard into the air that he had been nudging with the bottom of his shoe for the past fifth teen minutes.

I was honestly as shocked as him to find out Sophia had an apparent brother. I hadn’t seen him around while I’d been here with Zayn but I hadn’t exactly been looking nor even knew to look. Until I met Harry and Sophia I knew nothing about them. The only time I had even seen her was on the day I first arrived and became Zayn’s Guardian, she was the young girl originally stood on the tree swing, which Zayn had stood and watched, waiting for her to jump but she never did, Niall Horan had come and taken her home if I remember correctly.

Back then Sophia had been nothing but a girl who had considered maybe committing suicide. I never knew why, I never thought about why, all I did know is because Zayn had seen her and seen the state she was in, it for some reason made Zayn question his own life. Seeing Sophia on the screen turned Zayn into a weak vulnerable mess, made him see something different and that opened him up to see others and I have no idea why. I know Zayn didn’t have any connection to Sophia before that day, I don’t think they ever spoke; I just think that it was their similar situations that made Zayn have the connection to her.

I still think to this day that is the reason, the reason Zayn follows Sophia every day when she walks to and from Niall Horan’s house, the reason why he is so curious about her and the reason why she can see me and Zayn can see Harry. Simple connections of emotions, from similar situations, that was all it was.

“Maybe you haven’t found out what she needs. Maybe that’s what you have to do, find her brother or at least find out what happened to him.” The words sounded like they were even trying to convince myself, I don’t know why but Sophia having a long lost brother just didn’t seem like the reason. It felt like there was a whole other story behind it, and that was why Harry was really here.

“You know you could at least try sound a bit more like you believe that.” Harry gave a small laugh shaking his head lightly. I replied with a simple sideways sympathetic smile.

“Hey, maybe this is a good thing  though, you know you get to spend more time with her now, you have longer than you thought until you have to leave.” Harry’s face dropped and he turned deadly silent instantly making me regret the words. The problem was though, I could regret them as much as I wanted but they were the honest unspoken truth and Harry had to learn that, no matter how much it hurt. “You know it has to happen Harry.”

“Is there honestly no way of avoiding it?” He kept his gaze a head but I could see the clear layer of water covering his eyes which he tried desperately to blink away.

I shook my head softly. “No I’m sorry Harry but even if we want to, when a Guardian’s objective is achieved and they’re okay you have to leave and you can’t stop it. And you know what happens if you try to delay it.” He nodded softly biting down on his bottom lip hard. If a Guardian tried to forget their mission or didn’t accomplish it in enough time then it will only get worse, they are forced to watch as the one they guard’s life get worse, they are forced to watch them go through more and more pain until one day something will destroy them. They are forced to watch these humans they can’t help but to have grown to over time get crushed one way or another, because they ‘selfishly’ refused to help them, or at least that’s how it is seen as to other Guardians.

You see, when you become a Guardian, you instantly have this bond with the person you guard. You can’t stop it and you can’t help it, it’s just there and it gets stronger and stronger every day you are in their lives. Yes you get to become close to these people, you get to live a life, you get to be happy and help them but in the end you all have to say good bye and the longer you leave it the harder the good bye becomes.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now