My Guardian ● Part 3

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“I’ll come meet you tomorrow, show you around a bit and stuff, yeah?” Niall gave a long wide smile when he spoke, looking generally happy and excited about our trip out tomorrow. I nodded and returned the smile telling him to text me the times before hugging him good bye. “It’s good to have you back Soph.” He whispered into my ear before following Liam out the door.

I finally let out a huge breath I didn’t even realise I had been holding sliding down the now closed doors. I felt relieved, I couldn’t be bothered with any more questions and people being so happy, it just all seemed a bit too fake to me, a bit unreal.

My head was pounding with all the thoughts from the single afternoon. All the bloody questions I was asked and then just the way everyone was acting, it made me feel so out and lost by not knowing anything about them yet they seemed to know everything about me and were acting like we had been friends to life, which of course we apparently had but still, to me it felt like I hadn’t known them more than five minutes.

“I’m going for a little nap.” I shouted over my shoulder to Jane, already half way to my bedroom where I could hopefully scream into a pillow or just collapse on my bed because right then that was I felt like doing.

I jumped straight on my bed, closing the door behind me. I didn’t want to speak to Jane or really anyone right now. I had too many thoughts going through my head.

I closed my eyes hoping for some rest but I just couldn’t help thinking over everything, would I ever remember these people? Would I ever feel the same way they felt about me, or would I feel like an outsider forever? One face kept popping up in my mind; Niall, he was really lovely, always seemed to be positive and kind, just making everyone laugh with his simple jokes and infectious attitude. I couldn’t help but feel like he had been acting close to me, like we had something going on, something that no one else knew about just him and me, but the only problem was that now I was just as clueless as the rest of them.

He was acting as if we were best friends, the closest people on the planet, bring back memories and giving me that warm happy grin all the time but I just wasn’t feeling it. I didn’t feel the same grin appear on my face and I didn’t know if it was because he was just a friendly person or if I was once good friends with him and we did share something. Did we have a close friendship? Did I used to smile at him the same way he smiled at me, or did that disappear with the rest of my old life and memories?

I made a muffled grunt into the pillow I was laying on. Surely if we were close Jane would have said something or I would have some sort of evidence of our friendship around here but I didn’t, I had no evidence of friends in this room that had been my bed room for so many years.

Did I even have friends?


“You excited?” Jane asked, joining me at the breakfast bar the next morning with a matching glass of orange juice.

No I’m shitting it.

 I don’t know why, I got on really well with Niall yesterday but the thoughts of last night and the idea of maybe finding something today or meeting people who I was meant to know and remember scared me.

Or did Niall even have anyone to introduce me to? Did I have any other friends? And if I did what would they do, how would they react? I mean they couldn’t have been that close if they didn’t visit me or anything could they?

I gave Jane a fake smile and a nod which she seemed to believe standing back up and returning to the living room to watch the morning news while I waited for Niall to arrive and for the day to start. Where would we go? Would I remember anything?

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now