My Guardian ● Part 25

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A/N - GUESS WHOSE BACK! I'm so soo sooooo sorry for the lack of updating these past few months, I thought I would have loads of time this summer but it's actually gone the opposite way. I've had no time free for writing at all :( I hope you can all forgive me! I can't thank everyone enough for commenting, voting and following, it means so much to me! It's unreal when I read your guys comments, I never thought anyone would like my writing, I only started this because of boredom really hahah.

Anyway I want to try update as much as possible so I'm going to start setting voting goals on chapters and doing odd competitions for dedications! So for the first voting goal I'm going to start with 80 votes! This way you guys have a goal and so do I, it also encourages me to update faster because I do want to do this for you all. 

Also I'm going to do a dedication on the next chapter to the best comment on this part. Thank you everyone for everything and enjoy!


*Sophia's POV*

I felt like my whole body was on fire. The pain I felt right now was indescribable, it was purely unbearable, it felt like some had shoved a hot rod down my throat and ripped a hole through my chest and there was nothing I could do to stop it. The second Harry left I felt such a pain erupt through me, the mixture of heartbreak, grievance, loss and hysteria, hit me all at once and for some reason I couldn’t control what was happening to myself.

I was crying hysterically, screaming into the pillow next to me. This wasn’t normal heart break, this physically felt like having someone rip something from inside you, take a part of you. I just sat screaming and praying for help from Zayn and Liam, praying to god that I would soon go unconscious and wake up ‘fine’ again, I couldn’t see myself living through this much longer.

“Liam fucking fix this! You said you were like head of the guardians or something, you said you were here to help now fucking fix her! She’s in pain Liam make it stop please!” I heard Zayn pleading next to me.

“I can do something to make her sleep for a while but I don’t think this is going to stop when she wakes up! She’s feeling nonstop separation from her Guardian, who she loves! It’s one of the most painful feelings in the world without the love, this is agony!” Liam replied, I could feel their presence near me but my watering eyes blurred my vision too much.

“Please Liam do something! Please just stop her screaming!” Zayn shouted.

“Okay I’m sorry Sophia, we’ll sort this, I’m so sorry.” I felt two hands on the sides of my head and the sudden feeling of everything becoming foggy overcome me. Everything slowly blacked out, the pain becoming slightly numb but still remaining up till the point I was out cold.

*Liam’s POV*

This was wrong this was so wrong! When I came here I thought I would find Harry and Sophia happily together, with a layer of gold surrounding them but all I found was the mist of familiar gold burning out and Harry slowly fading away.

I couldn’t understand it! They’d made the connection between each other, which is what caused the gold mist that wrapped around their bodies. That is what usually happened but now it was obvious. Sophia and Harry weren’t usual, no matter how normal I tried to make them seem, Harry and Sophia just weren’t normal to the world of humans and guardians. They don’t fit in with what should be and they certainly don’t follow the rules of life yet they make it work together. Maybe that was it; maybe this was something I can’t solve. Maybe they are too unique and unknown for anyone to know how to fix.

This was new to me, this was new to the world, yet this was something I could not leave. I didn’t know how to fix this but I was going to try everything I could to help. Danielle and I weren’t exactly normal, we were rare compared to everyone else but what happened with us was something that could be foreseen and guessed because of legends and rumours. However, Sophia and Harry’s situation was not something anyone has ever come across before.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now