My Guardian ● Part 12

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*Sophia’s POV*

It was really weird how normal everything seemed to be over the past week. Ever since I had gone to Niall’s we had spoken every day, he had been re-teaching me how to play guitar, showing me old photos of when we were younger, watching old movies with me that he said were my favourites when I was younger. We had even spent two whole days just watching Friends episodes and eating nothing but junk food since Niall had the whole box set and it was apparently my favourite TV programme. He was right, after watching nearly every episode it was my favourite and so was double chocolate chip brownie ice cream.

Zayn and Louis I had only seen once and that was only when I passed them both in the car the other day. I hadn’t spoken to them or heard a word about them from Harry. It honestly looks like Zayn really doesn’t want anything to do with me and this whole situation. I’m still trying to figure out how I feel about that, or even if I do feel anything about that.

As for Harry well he had been very odd for Harry. When I had returned home from Niall’s nearly a week ago he was sat on my bed with a cheery smile asking me if it went okay straight away. He even gave me a big hug when I told him I was giving him another shot and told me that was a good idea but just to be careful. I had been worrying the whole walk home, thinking he would have gone on a shouting spree, asking me what the hell I was thinking and calling me stupid for letting Niall back in but no, he seemed completely relaxed about it, in fact if anything he seemed happy for me and was sometimes encouraging me to go see Niall.

It was as if everything was falling into a routine. I would go visit Niall at his house or go out for the day, not see Harry nearly all day but then come home to find him sat on my bed with that same smile, asking me all about my day and then spending the night with me till the moment I told him I was going to sleep, or sometimes just fell asleep while watching TV and then waking up in my bed in the morning.

But the weird thing was even though it all seemed as if it was finally turning good and calm, I felt like I was missing something. I hadn’t seen something or I knew this couldn’t last forever. Something was coming, it was too quiet.

*Zayn’s POV*

I had found myself following Sophia everyday from Niall’s house to her own house, watching her move, checking she was okay and happy with how her day had gone, just checking to see if she was happy really. She hadn’t seen me once apart from the time she drove past me and Louis having our hourly argument.

It was becoming annoying now, I physically couldn’t stop myself from checking up on her, I felt like I had to protect her from what was to come or something was pulling me towards her that I just couldn’t stop. Maybe it was because I had seen her pain just before she moved away last time, maybe it was because I knew what it was like to feel alone and confused in such a big world or maybe it was because she was the only one who didn’t look so alone in this world and that fascinated me.

I don’t know what it was but no matter how hard I tried to stop it or figure it out I would just end up getting frustrated with myself. And to make things worse Louis seemed to be popping up more and more regular.

Placing my next cigarette between my lips I began to wonder why in fact Louis hadn’t yet shown up today. Surely he would have shown up out of the blue four times by now normally, but I hadn’t even caught a glimpse of him.

Or maybe he’s finally left, that thought created a quick pain in my chest for a second. A pain that I could never admit to anyone, it was the feeling of loss because no matter how much I argued with Louis, no matter how much I told him to leave, I never truly wanted him to go. He was all I had.

I’d had Louis in my life for a few years now. It seemed so long ago now and my first memory of him was actually as far back as I let myself remember now.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now