My Guardian ● Part 23

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*Harry’s POV*

I found myself letting my body disappear to wherever Sophia was, opening the connection we had and letting my Guardian side take me there. I squeezed my eyes tightly for a second feeling the slight dizzy sensation that came with the mind travel. I opened them to find myself outside a small house, not just any small house though, the small house of Niall Horan.

I ran through the walls of the building feeling slight resistance as I did before coming into Niall’s living room. There stood in the middle of the room was Sophia, she had her arms wrapped around Niall’s torso as he held her to her closely. I stepped closer to see the sight I’d dreaded. Niall had his lips locked against Sophia’s, both of the lost in the moment.

No no no! This can’t have happened already! It was only a few hours ago that I’d been where Niall is now, where I had been kissing her and holding her so close. That is until I left her.

I felt myself cracking inside, she’d run straight to him. I’d left her and she’d gone to him for comfort, which I had given then sharply taken off her. It was my entire fault, I had been too late. I bit my lip hard trying to stop my jaw from dropping and myself breaking. Sophia and Niall pulled apart, him then pulling her into a tight hug into his chest causing her head to rest on his shoulder.

Her eyes met mine then, causing them to instantly go wide and her jaw to open slightly. I was angry, but I couldn’t blame her, it was my fault. I gave a swift nod then left in an instant, not sure where I was going just letting myself zoom from place to place in an attempt to calm myself. I stopped and found myself at the cliff edge where Sophia and Niall went. Where Niall last saw Sophia on the swing which now hung calmly from the old branch and where Zayn had witnessed her ready to jump.

This place was quiet; it was good to think really. I closed my eyes and let out a big breath I’d been holding. Think Harry, what did Liam say, think carefully.

Sophia needs care and love, both you and Niall can give her that but it’s up to you to find out who can give her the love which she really needs and the love which will save her. That is what he had said, I had to accept she needed to love and care from both of us but it is now up to me to decide which is the love she is in most need of, the love that keeps her alive, helps her survive.

*Sophia’s POV*

Over the next few days Harry stayed very quiet. He didn’t really speak more than a sentence to me nor did I to him. I had nothing to say to him, I was angry and he knew that. He would disappear most of the time and when he came back he’d sit quietly in the corner of the room watching from afar, our eyes only making contact for a few seconds before he broke it. This was hurting me; I missed his voice, his cuddles and his smile. It was breaking me.

I was going to Niall’s house again today, Harry had found out about me and Niall the day I’d kissed him first. He appeared in Niall’s house and saw me kiss him. He’d just stood there staring with his mouth slightly open for a few seconds, followed by a small nod before disappearing. He hadn’t spoken to me since.

I’d felt so guilty, I felt like I’d ruined it with Harry but he had left me and right now, I needed what Niall was willing to give and what Harry had refused me of.

I did have fun with Niall but I was always wondering where Harry was whenever I was with Niall. I would always be curious as to where he disappeared to. There was no Louis anymore that he could go visit, so where did he go? Did he go visit someone?

I found myself getting closer to Niall everyday but I never felt a connection with Niall as strong as I did with Harry. Arriving at Niall’s house seemed normal for me, Niall seemed excited over text as usual and I was putting on a happy face while wondering where Harry had gone again. Niall implied he wanted to talk to me about something today, I hadn’t really thought much about what it could be but I was slightly worried. I bit my nails down as much as possible before it hurt as I walked to Niall’s house.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now