My Guardian ● Part 8

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I pushed the various branches out of my way as I made my way to the Tree-Swing, this place may have been mine and Niall’s but by the sound of it he didn’t ever come here without me and right now this place seemed like my only escape. I’d kind of been hiding since the party, staying inside watching near to anything on TV and basically playing mindless games with Harry.

I’d kept my phone turned off since the day after Niall had tried to apologise and I had gotten five phone calls off Liam also pleading to hear his best mate’s story, but I just didn’t have the will power with it any more. Sitting down on the grassy area near the stump of the tree I felt the cold wind against my face and heard the sound of the waves crashing at the cliff edge below.

The only thing I had been trying to do over the past couple of days and that I had taken interest in was trying to find out more about Zayn from Harry. Sadly he wasn’t letting anything slip though, apparently I would find out soon enough and should find him on my own if I wanted to talk to him that bad but I was beginning to get impatient now.

Where do you even look for an unsociable guy who prefers his own company to the rest of the World’s? I only knew one thing about him really and that was his first name, apart from that I knew nothing.

I stayed at the Tree-Swing for nearly an hour before I finally got up, why was I even here?

I told Harry I was going for a quick walk for some fresh air without even thinking about where I was going and I just ended up here. I guess it was the only place I knew around here where I could hide right now. I pushed through the various branches heading back to reality when I noticed it, sat in a shaded area a bit on from the tree-swing sat a figure on one of the rocks, overlooking the large lake below.

My curiosity was leading me forward before I could think twice, I didn’t know anyone else who knew this place but me and Niall so who was here now? The silhouette was dark against the turning orange sky as the sun began to set, how long had I been out here?

A cloud of smoke emerged from the figure as it blew out a breath before taking another drag of the cigarette it was holding, not moving his or hers gaze away from staring far ahead. The closer I got the more the figure stood out and became clearer, it was obvious it was a man now, with the muscular outline yet his hood hid any of hints to who it might be.

I stopped for a second questioning myself, was it a good idea to keep going? My sub conscious seemed to be nodding and the feeling in my gut seemed to me urging me forward, all enough to make me take the next few steps to the rock itself. I didn’t say a word just climbed on to the rock and sat beside him looking out to where he was staring, he didn’t move or flinch, not even a change in his breath or a quick glance to the side to see who it was.

My eyes widened then and my jaw felt suddenly slightly slack, sat next to me was the boy I had been wanting to find for days, the boy I had been dying to talk to and now could find no words to say to him; Zayn. He looked exactly how I remembered him on that night, his quiff slightly scruffy, the outline of stubble making his jaw and cheek bones stand out and his muscular figure which I remembered carrying me up the various stairs.

We sat in silence for a while, Zayn having two more cigarettes before I decided to finally break the ice and speak since he wasn’t going to talk. “It’s nice to meet you while I’m sober.” I said a bit uneven, he didn’t look at me but I heard a short quiet chuckle escape his lips, one that could have been missed just as easy as it was heard. There was no reply just another inhale of the toxin nicotine. “I’m Sophia.” No reply again, this guy really wasn’t a talker and by the looks of it small talk was a no go. “You know this place?”

There was a small nod this time in reply; progress.

“You know Harry?”

A small nod again, yet no words still.

“You know me?”

The nod again.

“You don’t say much do you?”

A shake of the head and a small smile.

I gave an expressed sigh. “Guessing that’s easier.” He turned to face me finally, his eyes curious to what I had to say taking me slightly off guard. “Well I mean what’s the point in the pointless conversations we have with people, your brain is a nicer place, somewhere better to speak than saying pointless words to someone who doesn’t care.” He carried on watching and waiting for more. “Your head is where everything is really, your whole life is there, every thought you’ve ever had, every skill you’ve ever learnt, every action you’ve ever performed, every moment you’ve ever experienced, every memory.” I paused biting my lip slightly; it was him staring at me now while I moved my gaze to what was in front of me. “We take our brain for granted I guess.”

He stared at me for a few more moments before stubbing his cigarette into the rock we both sat on and stood up. “You never changed.” He gave me a lop-sided smile before walking back off into the woods leaving me alone again. Was he right though, have I really not changed?

I spent the next few days just continuing to hide and think over what I had said to Zayn and his simple one sentence reply. I don’t really know why I said what I did, it just kind of came out, a spare of the moment sort of thing I guess. It had attracted his attention though.

“Hey how about we do something today I’m so bored of just staying in this stupid house and watching TV.” Harry said scrunching up another piece of paper he had been doodling on and aimed it at the bin at the other side of the room. “SCORE!” He shouted throwing his arms in the air as the paper flew into the bin.

“Like what?” I laughed at his celebration curious to what he thought we could do today. He stopped his cheer and thought for a moment.

“I have an idea.” He said in an almost sinister voice with a mischievous look on his face. Oh fuck.

“Oh no.” I whispered trying to hold back a smile.

“Oh yes, let’s go scare a few people.” Well this could be interesting.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now