My Guardian ● Part 5

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I rubbed my eyes adjusting them to the small light coming through an opening in the curtains. Harry wasn’t there anymore, it was just myself in the empty dark room, no one else, not even the noise of distant cars could be heard right now. It must be about two in the morning.

I got up slowly out of my bed and walking down the dark stairs, why was it so quiet so dark and empty? Even at two in the morning there was usually some sound, like Jane’s snoring or the quiet sound of the TV downstairs where she had fallen asleep in front of it, but now, I could only hear my deep breaths and the sounds of muffled sobbing coming down from the slightly closed door to the living room. Was Jane crying? I crept slowly towards the door peaking through. The room was dark with the only light coming from the small lamp at the far side of the room.

I adjusted my eyes to the new lighting, opening the door a bit further making Jane more visible. She was sat peering down at a picture frame in her lap while listening into a phone looking deep in thought and by the looks of it, trying to stop her sobs and make them less noticeable.

“You promise me you have no idea?” She said through her weak voice waiting for the reply on the phone. “Things have changed now, I’ve opened my senses, I have always regretted it but I just..” She took a deep breath closing her eyes for a second before continuing. “I’ve learnt to realise that life is short and it’s easy for something to be taken away from you so easy these days, I’ve lost my daughter once already and nearly again forever, I’m lucky to have got her back and it’s made me realise I need to find him now.” She sounded so broken, so upset and lost and the word ‘daughter’ made me just wants to run in and hold her close, tell her that I was never going anywhere.

She listened to a long distant reply before putting the phone down and letting her tears fall down onto the picture frame in her hand. I didn’t know what to do; do I tell her I am here? I wanted to comfort her so much but right now I had no idea what to say. Who had she been talking about?

I squinted my eyes a bit more trying to see the picture but the light was too bad. I was about to step forward, say something or just go and hug her but I felt a hand on my shoulder stop me and pull me back into a pair of arms; Harry. He turned me around to face him. “Leave it for tonight, she’s tired and had a hard night just let her get some sleep.” I hesitated for a minute listening to his words and looking back, her sobs seemed to becoming less often and she seemed to be drifting off on the couch. I turned back to face Harry nodding and letting him direct me up the stairs.

Harry helped me climb into bed and stayed with me the whole night. He didn’t say a word but just hugged me and rocked me to sleep while running comforting lines along my back and side. I have never been so confused and lost in my life, or what I knew from my life.

Who was Jane talking to? Was there someone she had once lost before me? Did I know this person as well but just don’t remember him?

They were the last thoughts running through my head before I finally gave in and fell asleep that night.

When I woke up Harry was sat at the other side of the room reading one of my magazines staring at it in confusion. “What are you doing?” I asked him laughing at his intense stare.

“Did you know that it’s actually in fashion for girls to grow claws and make them extra sharp?” He turned the magazine to me where it had an article on Rihanna’s new style of new sharp long thin nails that looked more like knives.

I laughed at him and shook my head, I couldn’t really care less about Rihanna’s nails right now all I wanted to know was who Jane was on the phone to last night and who it was about. “Harry..”

“I don’t know I’m afraid.” He knew I was going to ask if he knew anything. “I really don’t know who was on the phone or who Jane was talking about. I’m sorry Sophia but I’m sure in her own time Jane will tell you if you need to know or did know.” He gave me a sympathetic smile that I could only return looks like I would have to find out for myself.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now