My Guardian ● Part 7

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Zayn got out before I could say a word and was opening my door wrapping my arm around his neck just like Danielle had done. He was tall and muscular with strong arms which were now practically carrying me to the door before creeping inside and helping me up the stairs. The house was pitch black with the echo of Jane’s snores being the only thing that could be heard.

Zayn walked the whole way to my bed room hardly making any noise and placed me on the bed removing my shoes. “Sleep now.” He said sternly before exiting and leaving the house leaving me alone. What the hell was that? Who even was he and how did he know Harry?

I pulled the duvet up to my neck thinking about everything that had happened tonight; it had started horrible at home then went good before completely turning for the worse. I could feel myself sobering up slightly, everything beginning to come back to me except just being ten times more painful than the first time.

I thought he was my friend? Niall said he was my friend, someone who was going to help me, how could he turn around after we were having such a great time and treat me like that? I was so confused so lost. I screamed into my pillow, why couldn’t I just remember what happened before the accident, why did I have to be like this.

The boy’s words from the party were repeating in my head. Brain dead. Useless.

I suddenly felt the pillow I was laying on becoming damp, I hadn’t even realised it, I was crying; a lot. I hadn’t cried once since my accident, not even come close but right now I just felt so useless with myself, angry for not remembering and not knowing what was true, confused and upset with Niall and lost without Harry. I didn’t know what to do or who to trust anymore, I could only believe what everyone told me and I just didn’t feel like this was right.

I felt someone climb onto the bed next to me but I didn’t look up, I know who it is without looking up and right now I really didn’t want him to see me crying. “Shhh don’t cry.” He whispered into my ear laying down next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist so I would turn on my side. I tried to hold the whimpers I was making and the gasps caused by my tears but I just couldn’t, I could only cry and let Harry pull me close to his chest spooning me from behind and whispering words of comfort into my ear. “It will get easier Sophia, that’s why I’m here, to help you.”

I didn’t reply, I was angry and confused still with Harry, about our small argument, him telling me what to do and not being there at the party when I needed him. Except now, with him comforting me and holding me close to his chest while running his long fingers along my side and drawing on my back, I just couldn’t be angry with him. He was the only person who could calm me down, who I felt like I could honestly trust and who I actually knew better than anyone else in the world right now.

“Will it really though?” I asked quietly, my tears slowly stopping thanks to the comforting new touch.

“One way or another it will work out.” He replied, we didn’t say anything else that night, I just fell asleep letting him draw on my back and hug me from behind, letting all worries and stupid thoughts slowly disappear from my mind.

The sound of continuous banging downstairs awoke me the next day. My vision was dazed, my head pounding and the taste of sick in my mouth only felt worse the louder the banging got. Last night came rushing back to me, every moment hitting me like a truck, right till the moment I fell asleep in Harry’s arms.

Harry. I turned around reaching my arm out for him but felt nothing, he wasn’t there, he wasn’t even in the room or sat in his usual spot at the bottom of my bed on my computer chair.

My attention turned back towards the banging that had woken me up and the sound of someone shouting and pleading through the door. Who the hell was here at this time? I pulled my hair out of my face, trying to wake myself up as I headed towards downstairs. Is this what a hangover feels like because honest to god I’m not drinking again if it is? Or maybe I wouldn’t drink again anyway after last night; I never really drank anyway apparently.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now