My Guardian ● Part 6

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I didn’t even bother calling out for Harry after I had finished getting ready, I didn’t want to see him right now, I was sick of being left in the dark, being left questioning everything. It was already hard enough that I couldn’t remember anything without Harry keeping secrets from me.

Guilt decided to make an appearance then, maybe I shouldn’t have shouted at him and just left it, he was just trying to keep me safe and help me but I just was sick of secrets now. I shook my head shaking the thoughts off my mind; I can make it up to him tomorrow and apologise after I’ve had a good night. No more thinking about Harry or any Guardian crap, just go to a party and act like my age for once.

The music could be heard loud from outside as I approached, it looked like quite a quiet party from the outside but busy enough to be classed as a party. I took a deep breath and began walking up the path, time to act normal.


“Sophia! You came!” Liam was the first to see me arrive coming a giving me a quick friendly hug. He seemed like such a nice guy and that just left me wondering why I didn’t know him better before the accident. “Niall is going to be so happy to see you.” He gave me a huge smile making his eyes become smaller.

“Where is he? I’ll go say a quick hello.” I began to look around the various people but couldn’t see Niall anywhere.

“Urm he’s probably about, I’ll find him for you but first you go get a drink in the kitchen.” He pushed me slightly towards the kitchen where a display of drinks stood on the side. Did I drink alcohol a lot? I had no idea of what sort of drunk I was or if I could handle drink. I shrugged picking up one of the many bottles, looks like we will probably find out soon.

“Sophia?” A girl’s voice came from behind me; I turned around to see a tall girl with big brown curly hair looking at me slightly shocked, she looked a bit unsure with herself or maybe with me.

“Yeah?” Did I know this girl once before, had she been one of my friends?

“Sorry I’m Danielle, I’m Liam’s girlfriend.” Well that made sense, she was stunning. “I just wanted to check I’d got the right person, Liam told me about you and that you were coming tonight.”

I gave her a questioning look, maybe I didn’t know her before the accident, maybe this was the first person I’ve ever met that doesn’t know me back then. “Yeah that’s me, sorry have we met before?” She shook her head giving me a small sympathetic smile that I was getting used to by now.

“No don’t worry, this is the first time. Liam also told me about everything but yeah this is our first time meeting.” I gave her a genuine smile letting out a sigh of relief, it was actually someone new.

“You’re the first person I’ve newly met who didn’t know me before my accident.” I gave a small laugh looking around at the people. I was beginning to notice people giving me shocked looks and second glances unsure if it was me but not coming over to talk to me. “And you have no idea how glad I am about that.”

“Yeah me and Liam met after you moved and why do you say that?”

“Well” I paused, why was that? “It’s just people know so much about me and I worry they’re hiding stuff from me or they are treating me different because I don’t remember them, I don’t know it probably sounds stupid it’s just a little hard.” I was shocked at myself for opening up this easy but this was the first girl I had met since the accident and also someone who didn’t know me before. She gave me a small sympathetic smile before changing the subject.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now