My Guardian ● Part 2

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That was two months ago now and I still have no idea of my memory or who I was before only what I’ve been told by the people around me.

I was discharged from hospital two weeks after waking up and returned ‘home’ to Jane’s house on the outskirts of London where I had spent so many years but couldn’t remember a thing about.

Lying in my bed just staring at the white ceiling above my head I couldn’t help thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow, when I would finally have to meet the people I once called friends or at least who Jane thought were my friends.

“What you thinking about?” Harry’s voice came from the other side of my room. He had once again appeared from nowhere completely silent and making me jump once again. Harry had come with us down to London but he disappeared times when I needed to be alone or he felt like I was fine on my own. “Sorry didn’t mean to make you jump again.” He winked receiving a scowl in return.

“Just tomorrow, I don’t know how I’m going to react when I meet everyone or how they will. I mean I don’t know these people or anything.” My eye brows scrunched together as I lay back, resting my head on the cushion behind me.

“Don’t worry about it for now, it will be fine, they know what happened and they’ll understand. These are people you spent most of your life with. Of course you’ll be fine.” I sighed in reply giving a small nod, he was right just like nearly always.

I had got to know a bit more about Harry Styles over these past two weeks, I knew no one could see him, he was more like a spirit or ghost but not malicious, he was just like a normal person who only I could see and speak to, someone who was more of a friend, a bit like a very realistic imaginary friend.

I shook my head at the thought of him just being that, no he couldn’t just be my imagination, he was too real for him to be made up by my head.

He wasn’t just a friend though, Harry Styles was my Guardian, my ‘protector’ and ‘guider’ apparently, but to me he was the person I felt like I could tell anything, he was like my best friend.

“Trust me Sophia.” I heard Harry say next to me. “You know I’m right.” I had closed my eyes but I could practically feel the smug grin on his face from the sound of his voice, he was always right.

Harry Styles was kind and friendly but he could be a cocky twat at times and he knew how to be around me, in fact he seemed to know everything about me most of the time, the way I was feeling, how I was going to act in a situation, what I seemed to like and enjoy, he knew me just as well as I knew myself and maybe even more.

“Yeah, yeah keep telling yourself that Styles.” I laughed peaking through one of my eyes to see him sat on my computer chair staring at me with that smile again.

My name was Sophia Emma Brown and I lost every single memory I have ever known on June 7th 2012, I don’t know who was in my life before or if my life was good but I had a feeling I might just enjoy finding out and living this new life with the people I had met or was yet to meet  and of course my Guardian, Harry Styles.

The next day

“Sophia will you stop eating all the food! Other people have to eat it as well!” Jane laughed taking the large plate of sandwiches off me which I had nearly destroyed; I have discovered that I tend to eat when I’m extremely nervous.

I gave her an apologetic look, waiting till she was out of the room before helping myself to the bowl of crisps, I’m going to be the size of a sumo before anyone even gets here. “Sophia I know how much you love to eat especially when you’re nervous but it’s just a few friends so stop worrying will you.” Harry pointed out taking the bowl from my hands and cheekily taking and few crisps.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now