My Guardian ● Part 11

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“We will finish this later.” I whispered under my breath quickly to Harry, I wasn’t letting this conversation go, no way. I saw him nod slowly out of the corner of my eye while we both watched Liam jog over to us.

“Sophia hey, how are you?” He panted recovering from his run.

“Urm I’m good Liam how are you?” I was beginning to realise my hatred for small talk and why exactly Zayn never replied to it.

“I’m alright, really glad to see you though, it’s been a while hasn’t it.” He babbled avoiding the subject we both knew he wanted to discuss.

“Just spit it out Liam.”

And then it all came out.

“You really need to speak to Niall.” I heard Harry scoff beside me. “Seriously, he has been a wreck ever since, he is just broken. He couldn’t believe he let himself get that drunk near you again, he just forgot and he didn’t mean anything he said and them people, yeah well they’re no one to him it was just that drink. He really needs to see you please Sophia, he needs you and thinks he’s lost you again and he can’t bare that and-“

“Fine.” I wasn’t even sure what made me agree, the word just fell out of my mouth shocking even myself.

“What?” Harry and Liam both asked at the same time equally as shocked that I had actually agreed to this.

“Yes fine, I will let him explain but only because I have my own questions.” I couldn’t deny that fact I would have to talk to Niall soon, I had to know more about our relationship, about what we used to have together because it seems, from what Zayn has said and what I have heard, something big happened between us and the only people who do know are me, him and maybe Zayn but by the sounds of it, Zayn isn’t going to say anything.

But then again, did I actually want to know. Harry thinks it would be better if I didn’t and Zayn thinks I’m stupid for wanting to, so why did I just accept.

A giant grin appeared on Liam’s face. “He’s going to be so happy, just one day that’s all, urm are you free tomorrow?” I nodded ignoring Harry’s confused shocked face next to me that surprisingly hadn’t spoken a word yet.

“Yes I think so.”

“Great, I’ll tell him you’ll be arriving at his house and to get his explanation sorted by tomorrow morning.” I nodded in agreement saying a quick farewell after Liam running off to most likely share the ‘good news’.

“You were quiet during that?” I asked turning to face him.

He was looking down scuffing his shoes and kicking a small rock back and forth. “Not my decision, it’s up to you to do this your way.” He let out an exhausted sigh, a sound that you would make when you had just accepted maybe it was time to stop and give it up. He didn’t say anything else just walked home with me in complete silence occasionally giving me a fake smile.

I stood outside Niall’s house, my hand questioning if to ring the door bell or not for the last five minutes now. Maybe this was the wrong idea, maybe I should just go home, forget everything and just start over, but part of me feels like I have to do this and if I don’t do it now it will come back to haunt me later.

I closed my eyes and pushed my hand forward finally letting the bell ring instantly causing footsteps to rush down some stairs and to the door before swinging it open. Niall looked exactly the same as the last time I‘d seen him, except now with bags under his eyes from lack of sleep and a look of worry and hope, his body and smile betraying his attempt to act calm.

“Sophia!” He opened his arms hoping to hug me but when I stepped back. He tried to hide the rejection back scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. I couldn’t hide my anger, I was still furious about what happened at the party but there was something about the way he was looking at me that made me want to forgive him right now before he had even opening his mouth to begin explaining. “Urm come in.” He stepped aside letting me walk into the warm house.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now