My Guardian ● Part 10

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*Harry’s POV*

I watched from across the park, Sophia sat on the small bench next to Zayn who was once again lighting up another cigarette. I heard a few footsteps beside me stopping and watching the same two people I was. “Do you think she’ll ever remember anything?” I asked the person stood next to me, knowing who it was already.

He took a large sigh before replying. “Who knows, do you think it would be better if she did remember?” The older lad asked. The sad thing was I knew exactly what would be for the best and it was the complete opposite of what I wanted.

“Depends really, if it was up to me then yes but for her probably no.” I felt his hand rest on my shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze. No reply, just the touch of reassurance. Touch was such a weird feeling, I could only normally ever feel it from Sophia and it was rare for a Guardian to ever be touched by anyone apart from who they guard.

“Found out anything else about Zayn?” I asked trying to change the conversation from Sophia for now, neither of us still taking our eyes off the two in front of us who looked like they were now talking.

I could practically hear the boy’s grin when he spoke. “I have a feeling it’s to do with something with his family, or a close friend he lost ages ago so I’m trying to get him to look back more.” His smile faded when he continued. “But he’s like a closed book that’s locked by a million different codes and padlocks, he never talks to anyone, he won’t let anybody in and there is no one left now. He tells me nothing and I expect him to remember the people from his past and find out what he lost, it seems nearly impossible.”

“This whole Guardian thing is impossible.” I mumbled under my breath.

“Ah Harry when you’ve been doing this for as long as I have you’ll learn patience but I don’t think you’ll need it, I think deep down you already know what she needs, but you’re just too scared to admit it.”

If I was breathing I think I would have stopped completely. “What do you think they’re talking about?” I asked quickly changing the subject; I don’t want to go there now, not yet.

“Who knows, maybe we should go find out, I think it’s time I met Sophia.” I gave a small smile to the older boy already disappearing and transporting to the other side of the park behind Sophia and Zayn before I could even look up.

I slowly followed letting myself slowly disappear into thin air and travel to the other side.

*Sophia’s POV*

I was about to open my mouth to speak, to let all my questions out on him when I heard someone speak behind me.

“And what are you two darlings talking about?” I let out a small scream turning around to see a brown haired boy grinning at us both. He had brown hair with a slightly styled quiff, a mischievous smile and what looked like kind eyes. I looked at him questioningly while Zayn however didn’t move, not even looking up at the stranger just looking ahead mumbling something to himself. “Ah Zayn they’re not appropriate words to say around a lovely young lady like Sophia here.” The boy swatted Zayn sharply round the head causing him to finally speak.

“What the fuck do you want?” He mumbled more grumpy than usual.

“It’s great to see you too Zayn and well I thought you could introduce me to Sophia but by the sounds of it you’re just being a grump so I’ll do it myself. Hello my name is Louis.” He said sticking his hand out for me which I took and let him shake.

“Urm it’s nice to meet you Louis.” I didn’t even know Zayn knew anyone else really, let alone let someone else swat them round the head and talk to them like that. “I’m Zayn’s Guardian.” I could feel my jaw drop slightly, he was another Guardian, just like Harry except he protected Zayn, or lead Zayn to something just like Harry was meant to with me.

“I see you’ve all met then, lovely.” Harry suddenly appeared giving me a big smile of his. “Good to see you again Zayn.”

“Whatever.” I heard Zayn mumble receiving another small hit around the head from Louis.

“Be nice.” He instructed making Zayn let out another load of profanities.

“So you’re like Zayn’s Guardian, like Harry is for me?” Louis and Harry nodded in reply. “So I can see you and Zayn can see Harry?” I asked.

“If you have a Guardian, you can see all Guardians but it is rare we really cross paths.” Louis answered. I couldn’t help let my face form into a huge smile, I liked Louis already and the fact he was part of all this along with Zayn just made it all seem much better in a way.

“You never did tell me how we managed to cross paths?” Harry asked Louis this time looking quite puzzled. This time Zayn also looked over, clearly this question had been playing on his mind as well over time.

Louis shrugged unsure. “I’m not sure really something just pulled these two together I guess. I’ve been kind of wondering if it’s because one of you two’s missing piece.” I looked at Zayn who looked at me with a still face, showing no emotion at all but I could see in his eyes, how they slightly became larger that he also was shocked by what Louis had just said.

I looked over to Harry to see what he thought but he wasn’t looking at me just looking down at the ground with large eyes, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze while everyone looked at him expectantly.

“I don’t know anything.” Zayn spoke behind me obviously answering Louis question before he could even ask him.

“You know something.” I pointed out turning back to Zayn. “You just said you knew some stuff about me but before I could ask Louis arrived. Something about my past-”

“Why are you so bloody determined to bring back the past, trust me you don’t want to know you’re past around here so why not just leave it at that for fuck sake, how stupid can you get?!” Zayn shouted at me frustrated before standing up and storming off leaving us all stunned apart from Louis.

“ZAYN!” He shouted at him his full of anger looking like he was about to run after him and hit him again, but this time not playful, except he didn’t move just turned to us letting out an expressed sigh. “Sorry he can be a dick sometimes, if you’ll excuse me.” He disappeared leaving it to just me and Harry. I was frozen watching Zayn walk off out of sight. I hadn’t realised until now just how determined I was and how badly I had been wanting to fill in the missing pieces in my brain, answer the questions. I guess I just don’t like not knowing the answer to everything and hate the fact I feel like I’ve missed out on so much in my life. But if my life was really that horrible before did I really want to fill in the gaps?

“Is it really that bad?” I asked Harry continuing to stare after Zayn.

I could feel Harry join me on the bench next to me. “Some things are hard yes, but everyone has bad parts of their life.”

“Do you think it would be a good thing to remember?” He didn’t answer, leaving us both in silence. “Harry?” I turned to him to see he was looking out over the distance. “Do you think I should remember my old life?”

He turned his head away from me to answer. “Do I think it’s better if you remember? No I don’t. Do I think it would be easier if you remembered? Well that’s a different question, one that I can’t answer.” He turned to look at me with cold eyes, not ones full of happiness like I would see most of the time. “Sometimes though we have to forget the easy option and go for the one with the better outcome.” His eyes glistened looking directly into mine.

“Harry –“ I began but was interrupted by someone calling my name from the other side of the park. I looked over to see Liam jogging towards me waving his arm.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now