My Guardian ● Part 18

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*Sophia’s POV*

My heart was pounding in my chest, I couldn’t get my words out; they just remained stuck in my throat where they built up to form a lump. I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak and I don’t even know if I was breathing at that point.

All I could do was look at Harry, look right into his eyes. His eyes were a wonderful green that shone with an outline of wet tears that occasionally escaped out the corners. They were mesmerising right now, they showed how he really felt, they showed how much he cared, they showed how kind his soul was and how much he was in pain; they told me so much about him, told me everything he was feeling without him having to open his mouth to speak.

It was like they were opening a new gate way to me, opening a locked door that I’d stupidly not tried to open before. It opened his heart and showed me how he felt inside, how much pain and care there was inside. I could see it all, I could feel it all and it was overwhelming. I chocked on a sob moving my hand to my mouth.

Harry’s eyes widened and he pulled me against his chest rubbing circles in my back. “What’s happening to me?” I choked out clinging to his t-shirt again. Images flashed from my dream in front my eyes making me cry harder.

“You’re broken but I promise Sophia, I promise I’ll fix you, I will be here till you’re whole again, I promised I always would be.” Harry whispered into my ear calming me as he rubbed my back. We sat quiet with just silent sobs echoing throughout the air.

Harry knew me; he knew everything about me without ever asking me. He cared for me, he protected me and he was always there for me. My life was him right now and even though I don’t know why he was or how he knew everything, I did know that I needed him more than anything, I couldn’t last without him. He was my support, I felt how he felt and he saw how I saw, we were like a pair where the other would be nothing without the other.

So how could I ever be fixed if he would have to leave one day?

Maybe that is what I need, maybe Harry is all I need and that is what I was missing. Maybe that is why he is here right now and maybe because of that, he will never have to leave.

That was the only thought keeping me going right now and the doubt of that thought was what left me now clinging to him like a child. I couldn’t lose him after tonight, I could never lose him.

*Louis’ POV*

It was late at night, I’d somehow convinced Zayn to go home and get a night’s sleep before heading to Sophia’s house. It was too late to go now and something told me tonight would really not be a good night to inform her who he was.

I was now sat on the roof of Zayn’s apartment looking up at the stars. I’d always hoped that when you leave and finish becoming a Guardian you would become a star, you’d still be there to watch over them but just from a distance where you could shine on forever, shine with happiness as you watched the ones you loved finally live happy. Maybe that will be what will happen, maybe I will become a star, who knows. Even my gut feelings couldn’t tell me the truth with that because that was something no one could ever know.

Tomorrow I will know though, I will know what actually happens when your time is up.

My time will be done here, I will have to say my goodbye and leave forever but hey at least I’ll find out the secret every Guardian and human dreams of and keeps them going I guess; the what’s next.

I’ve been wondering how to say good bye though, would it be best to just leave the room and slip out when no one was looking, when Zayn was occupied and happy? Then he wouldn’t have to say good bye, he wouldn’t have to be upset with it all and before he could even realise it, I will be gone and he will miss me but he will be okay, the connection between us will be broken and his heart won’t break.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now