My Guardian ● Part 4

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“And this Sophia, is the Tree-Swing.”

“Holy Fuck.” I whispered to myself peering over the edge of the steep cliff, there was a steep drop below leading to the bottom where it joined what looked like the sea but I could tell it was just an extremely large lake that stretched to the other side of the town.

Niall had brought me to a small opening past the trees and off the main pathway, away from where everyone else walked, to a small area cut off from the rest of the world. It was simple, a small area of grass with trees and bushes around the edges to hide it and keep it separate from everywhere else, it was simple, quiet and most of all had the most perfect view imaginable. One side was the bushes hiding away the real world while the other side revealed a steep cliff with about twenty feet below the waters of the lake, which the small stream we walked along earlier must have lead to.

“And this right here is why we call it the tree swing.” Niall walked over to a huge tree, grabbing hold of a hanging rope wrapped around it. The rope looked old but strong, very strong, tied to the top of one of the thick branches at the top that reached over the cliff edge a fair way. At the bottom was a flat piece of wood tide to the rope. It was a tree swing over the edge of a twenty foot cliff drop. Holy Fuck.

“People actually swing on that?” My eyes stared wide at the swing.

Niall laughed shaking his head slightly. “No one has for a very long time, very few have ever swung on it actually, I certainly haven’t I mean just look at that drop and I’m terrified of heights.” I followed where he was looking at the slow waves crashing against the cliff edge making my gulp.

“Did I ever?” I pointed towards the swing.

“Once a long time ago, you’d been saying you would for ages but you said you were waiting for the right day and then one day I found you, just here sitting on the swing above the cliff doing nothing but looking out at the sea.” Niall turned and looked out at the sea. “I pulled the swing back in from over the edge knowing you wouldn’t be crazy enough to jump like some people did for the thrill.” He frowned looking out. “I don’t know why you were here; you never said anything to me that day just let me take you home in silence. It was probably one of the last times I saw you.” He looked deep in thought.

His story sounded unfinished, half hidden, with so many questions and stories about it but right now I just couldn’t find the words to ask more and Niall looked to deep in his own thoughts to answer mine right now. “Anyway.” He suddenly turned clapping his hands together and wrapping the rope around the tree again. “It’s getting cold, shall we head home?” His lovely smile was back, completely forgetting that odd moment then.

I returned the smile. Yes home sounded good right now. Somewhere I could think to myself about everything that happened today and hopefully see Harry. I had missed him today, it felt like he was gone but I knew he wasn’t, he was close and just hidden right now.

“Thank you so much for today Niall.” I gave him a large smile, honestly thankful for the day we’ve spent together.

“No problem, maybe I could text you and we can do it again soon, or maybe you could come out with me and Liam, meet a few people or something.” I knew these were people I had already once met but Niall was going with what we both agreed; act as if I’m new here, as if this is all new because that is what it is to me.

“I would really like that.” I honestly would not mind another day like today, yes it had left me wondering a lot but it also gave me some sort of push, an urge to find out more, to start again. I gave him a warm hug before waving good bye, I could tell me and Niall would be good friends like when we were little again.


I closed my bedroom door behind me feeling knackered about my day, I just wanted to rest. It had gone so well today but it just made me want to know more information. I turned around after shutting the door quietly to be faced with Harry giving me a small smile; all my questions and thoughts just disappeared then, vanished in a second leaving me just thankful and happy to see him again.

“And where the hell have you been all day?” I asked placing my hands on my hips, I felt the need to be stern with him but I couldn’t hide the smirk on my face.

“Oh you know just around.” He gave me a wink and a smile, what was it about him that made me feel so happy so easily? He walked forward and wrapped his arms around me letting me rest my head on his chest while he rubbed my back softly with his finger tips, I felt his every touch and warmth and it really did make me question how this boy couldn’t be real and breathing like me. He felt real to me but when I rested my head against his chest and heard no heartbeat it reminded me he wasn’t. “Come on you look tired and you’ve been thinking too much today.”

He led me to the bed laying me down and sitting on the edge. This was Harry’s other side, the cute caring Harry that could just hold you without a question. Yes he had his cheeky playful side which could be slightly annoying but this side I could never be annoyed at. The last thing I remembered was seeing him smiling at me at the end of my bed, leaving me aware that he was watching over me keeping me protected, doing his job.

How did I know so much about him in such little time? I felt like I knew him better than I knew anyone in the world, better than I knew myself.

*Harry’s POV*

I watched her, fast asleep not moving at all apart from the small rise and fall of her chest from her calm breathing. She looked so much more peaceful when she slept, the worry lines on her forehead disappeared and the wondering frown replaced with a small smile; she looked like Sophia.

I smiled to myself, when I saw her like this at night I knew she hadn’t changed, memory or no memory she was still Sophia, the same Sophia from her old life just learning everything once again, starting it all again. I couldn’t stop the frown on my head, I knew it would change this time though, it wouldn’t go the same way as her first chance did and that deep down was destroying me, silently breaking me, but I knew it was the only way and worst of all, I knew I had to lead her and make sure it did change.

I looked down to my fingers and picking under my nails in an attempt to distract myself from the tears. I had picked this role, it was my choice to come and guide her and no matter how hard it was going to be, I knew I had to do it and I could never have said no, because a chance like this doesn’t happen often, a chance meaning I would mean be with her again for longer and I would be the one protecting her.

It was for the best, for both of us.

Looking back up and resting my palms in my lap I savoured this moment, it was moments like this I had learnt to savour, just the simple ones that never changed and the ones I knew didn’t last forever.

She was clueless really, she had no idea of what was happening in her life right now, she didn’t really know who I was, not like how I knew her, yet she still trusted me and believed every word I said, something she struggled with before and I had worried she wouldn’t do so easily this time, but she did, she gave me that much needed trust that I couldn’t help but wonder if it was always the same trust which had never left. 

Yes, she had no idea who I really was, she’d forgotten everything but maybe that was for the best. I knew it would hurt, really hurt to do all this but I knew I could never turn a chance down like this. I had to make it right just like I promised I would do. 

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now