My Guardian ● Part 24

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*Harry’s POV*


Wow was the only way I could describe what had happened. Sophia and I had slept with each other before the accident and that had always meant everything to us, each time just seemed to be better than the last. Except this time, something was just different. It was amazing, it was perfect and I have never felt so close to her in my existence. I had never felt so lost with her before; I had never felt like it had meant so much before but now after that, I can’t even explain how much Sophia matters to me. Not just because the sex was amazing but purely because something happened during that moment that I can’t explain.

Just before I felt like I was glowing, a small glow emitted from my body and when I touched Sophia it seemed to pass to her. I nearly didn’t notice it, I was so lost in the moment but when I realised how I could only see her in the room, I noticed it. The glow seemed to be like a mist travelling around us, binding us together but it felt unbelievably natural, like there was something normal and right about it. Even when I noticed it I didn’t think twice about it, if anything it just made me happier and enjoy it more.

Sophia lay unconscious resting on my chest a small smile on her face. I couldn’t help but let a grin remain on mine after what just happened. She was like the Sophia from before the accident, she was like my Sophia, she acted like the girl I used to know and she treated me with the same love and care as before.

I gently ran my free hand through her hair giving a light kiss on her head. Was that the connection Liam spoke about, a moment like that? Not just the sex but the precious moment when you realise one person is everything to you, when you realise you’d do anything for them, where you show them you want to make them happy and when they’re happy you’re filled with such humungous amounts of joy, that you forget anything bad in the world.

I sometimes wondered about telling Sophia the truth. The truth about our life together before the accident, how we met, how we lived, how we were so happy and carefree and then finally I would tell her about the accident and I would sing her favourite song to here as she cried because I knew it would give her hope and I would hold her in my arms until she stopped and then I would promise her, like I always had done, that I was never leaving her.

But I could never do that. It was part of the deal. I got to be a Guardian to Sophia as long as I promised to never tell her about my past. The past would break her and would ruin any chance of her finding someone else because she’d forever be trying to remember. Yet here we are, basically the same as before, she’s not found someone else, she’s returned to me again and this time, I don’t know how I could ever let her go.

*Sophia’s POV*

I dreamt softly in Harry’s arms, my head resting on his chest as it slowly rose and fell. Drifting into unconsciousness came easily and once I did, my head was only full of thoughts of Harry.

I dreamt of nothing in particular, just Harry and I together being just genuinely happy with life. It was just us, no one else, but that’s all we needed. We laughed together, we held each other and we talked. It was that simple but it was everything I wanted. Happiness, health, laughter and care, was all I ever needed.

I felt content with life, happy with him, so disconnected from the busy world that everyone rushed in. I didn’t care for the past and I didn’t care for the future, as long as I had Harry I knew I could do anything. We were in a bubble disconnected from the world, in a dream like way.

When I awoke I realised it was just a dream. The dream of everything I ever wanted and could have hoped for, too good to be true. My eyes blinked open and frown appearing on my face as I looked around my room, waiting for memories of earlier to hit me. I looked over to see Harry looking down at me with a lopsided smile. Everything from before came back to me, the moment we’d shared down stairs, the sex, Harry, everything, it just all came back to me along with the same grin Harry was wearing. I let a small giggle escape my lips. I had no regrets, seeing Harry next to me, waking up to him; it felt just like my dream.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now