My Guardian ● Part 21

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A/N - First I'd like to apologise for my completely shocking lack of updating, I have been so busy recently that I just haven't had time. Plus it really doesn't help when this was a difficult part to write and I had to keep re-doing it :/ but anyway here it finally is so hope you enjoy! Please give any feedback and everything thank you!! Also sorry if you expected more but I really had to get this part done!

*Sophia’s POV*

I felt my heart pounding so hard against my chest I thought it would break through my ribs. The intruder closes the door behind themselves after I didn’t reply. I couldn’t move, couldn’t turn my body, open my mouth or form a simple word. I tried to breathe in through my mouth and out my nose to calm myself.

My body was on fire, all my senses alert at once, my throat dry, only making my quick breaths harder. I heard footsteps behind me, getting closer step by step until they were stood right behind me. Their warm breath against my neck just sent a course of shivers down my spine, but instead of a creepy way it made me feel good.

I stayed as still as possible, closing my eyes and trying to match my breaths with the figure behind me, just anything to try even them out because right now that was the only thing I could hear apart from the pounding of my heart in my ears.

What was happening to me?!

I’d never felt anything like this, the feeling of their warm breaths seemed to increase the feeling of fire spreading through my body from my core. I felt so vulnerable, exposed nearly to whoever was behind me.

A large hand lightly touched the bare skin on the top of my arm as they moved my hair to the opposite side. The touch caused goose bumps to appear all along the arm, another shiver trailing down my spine from the combination of the light touch and soft breaths.

“Sophia?” Harry whispered in my ear. Of course it was Harry; only one person could send your body into this much frenzy. My head seemed to point out, wait how did I know he could send my body into this complete craziness, had this happened before? His lips remained so close against my ear now, allowing me to hear each of his breaths and once again send warm air down my neck. “How do you feel Sophia?” He asked, once again trailing his hand down my arm. His voice was so much deeper than usual, so much darker yet not scary, more inviting.

I opened my mouth but nothing really came out, just short gasps for a reply. Harry let his soft fingers trail along my shoulder and along my collarbone before stopping in the middle at the base of my neck. He held it there for a brief second before setting his hand into a flat palm just below on my chest, right above my heart. He held it there for a few seconds. I could still feel his mouth right next to my ear.

“Sophia,” He spoke so quietly yet so deep. “Your heart rate is going crazy.” I nodded my head ever so slightly, confirming his statement. “Sophia, how do you feel?”

I let out a small whimper, biting my tongue god I didn’t know if I could take this anymore. I didn’t know what was going on. “Ha-Harry pl-ple-please.” I stuttered out. You want him, my head told me. I want him?

His hand that was resting on my chest turned into just a finger, trailing lines along my collarbones. “Just say it Sophia, how do you feel?

 “Fi-fire.” Was all I could get out in a stutter, I could practically hear Harry grinning against my ear for a second, his breath hitching slightly. In one swift movement he turned me to face him, my body falling back against the wall behind me, Harry’s body towering over me, his arms on either side of my head. His eyes were dark and wide, his curls falling over his face slightly.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now