My Guardian ● Part 14

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I ran and ran not even looking where I was going, just letting my feet take me where ever they pleased. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know who to trust or who to tell me the truth, I didn’t know where to go, I mean for god’s sake I didn’t even know who I was so how the hell was I suppose to know what to do right now.

I felt my body crash into what felt like a brick wall sending me flying backwards into the wet pavement. “Holy shit, are you alright?!” I looked up to see a boy stood over me, his face hidden by the darkness and my slightly dazed vision. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.” The voice panicked kneeling down in front of me and checking me.

As my vision became clearer the boy’s features became clearer. “Liam?” I asked still unsure.

“Sophia? What the hell are you doing running on the streets at this time?” He was checking my arms and head for any bumps as he spoke. I just stuttered in reply and grabbed onto Liam’s shirt pulling him into a hug. I just needed a hug right now, feel the warmth of someone else and feel comfort. I felt like I hadn’t felt real comfort for a long time, even though I had felt it earlier in Niall’s arms.

Niall, the person Harry believed was my brother who Harry had told me I was falling for even though I had and everyone else had thought it was impossible for me to do so.

“Sophia what’s happened? Is it Niall?” I hesitated but gave a small nod against Liam’s chest.

“I knew this would happen.” He muttered rubbing my back softly, finally giving in and letting his arms wrap around me. “Listen Sophia, he did want to tell you, he really did but Jane made him promise, everyone made him promise. No one wanted you to get hurt that’s all, please don’t hold this against him and everyone else, it was for the best, we just didn’t want you to get hurt. Please just don’t run away again, it would kill Niall and Jane.”

It was true; Liam had basically just admitted it. Niall was my brother and to make it worse he knew. He knew all along and he never told me. “NIALL KNOWS?!” I removed myself from Liam’s chest.

Liam bit his lip before giving a quizzical nod. “He wanted to tell you he really did but he thought that you would leave again if you did. He just couldn’t bare that Sophia; h-he loves you so much.” I shook my head from side to side, if he truly loved me as a brother he would have told me.

“He doesn’t love me Liam; if he did he would never have hurt me.”

“No! That’s where you’re wrong, he never meant to hurt you and any time he has it has caused you pain he probably hurt the same maybe felt more pain sometimes. That’s why he didn’t tell you because he didn’t want to hurt you! He only wants to protect you and have you there, he missed you so much when you were gone, it nearly killed him Sophia, I promise to you it really destroyed him.”

My chest hurt again, Niall in pain made me feel pain. Was this the feeling I had mixed up for what I felt earlier, a brother sister connection? This whole time had it been the connection between our DNA that made us get along so well?

“I’m not going to leave again Liam can you just tell me what happened and how I found out last time?”

He sighed running his hand through his hair, Harry does that, I thought imagining Harry now sat next to me with one arm around me, ready to explain to me what I didn’t yet understand. That is how it should be but Harry isn’t here right now and I only have myself to blame for that.

“You found a picture of your brother and you asked Jane about it. She told you everything, you were furious and so upset apparently that you just ran out of the house. You ran straight to Niall’s house even though you hadn’t spoken to him in months you just ran there without even thinking apparently. When you got there and Niall saw the state you were in he just hugged you he said and you burst out crying. He said it had been years since he had seen you cry, you never cried, you don’t ever cry in front of people he told me, so he knew whatever it was it had to be bad.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now