My Guardian ● Part 19

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A/N - I'm soooo sorry for being so bad at updating but after this next week I will try update more often!

*Harry’s POV*

“You know she’s very special, I’ve never met anyone like her, she has a very hard life but she fights on till the end, she doesn’t give up and let her walls down.” Louis’ face scrunched up into a frown. I just sat with my mouth open in shock, I had no idea Zayn could be related to Sophia, I thought her brother was long gone and we’d most likely never see him again or if we did, it wouldn’t be any time soon. Louis turned to look at me, breaking his intense stare at Sophia. “Don’t let her go easy Harry, don’t let yourself disappear without a fight when it comes to it, she’s an amazing girl and she loves you Harry, even if she has never said it, she just doesn’t realise yet. I’ve got to go but I’ll be back with Zayn later to tell her, oh and Harry?”

“Yes Lou?” He was looking down at Sophia again as he got up and walked to the door. He looked so sad and broken, a little angry but mostly he seemed to be thankful while he stared. He knew it was his time, he knew he couldn’t have been here forever and I think he knew Zayn needed Sophia and for that he was thankful for, no matter what.

He turned to me putting his hand on the door handle and breaking his stare once again. “Thank you for being a good friend, it was amazing to meet you mate, please look out for Zayn when I’m gone, make sure he doesn’t get into too much trouble.” He gave a small laugh and a smile but I could see the pain in his eyes.

“I promise Lou and thank you for your help and for being there for me as well.” He gave a small smile in return before opening the door and leaving the house.

I let my head rest back onto the head board of the bed. Louis was the only one I could really talk to about all this stuff and now he was leaving, he had to go and there was nothing neither I nor him could do about it. That’s one of the hardest parts of life, when there is a problem or something that upsets you or changes and you can do nothing to make it any different, you just have to except that is what must happen and you have to suffer with the consciences because sometimes, the control of what happens in our lives isn’t in our hands, it isn’t up to us.

 I don’t really know who makes the decisions about what fully ever happens to us, if we live happy lives or sad lives, if we can live or die. Maybe it is us but we don’t realise it, or maybe its fate, maybe everything is written out for us before we’re even born and we can do nothing to change the pattern.

To me fate sounds like the most realistic, I guess being a Guardian is fate, or at least fixing fate when the pattern is a little mixed up. It us up to us to make sure people get back on track and live the lives they were planned to.

The only thing is though, what if people don’t want to live by fate, what if they don’t want to live the life they are planned to, what if they want to change themselves and their lives but they can’t because fate has got them stuck with what they’ve got.

No matter how much I think into this though, there is nothing I can do about it. If fate is real, if fate is happening right now then I have no choice but to follow it, no one does.

*Sophia’s POV*

I sat at the kitchen table while Harry busily made some tea for me. I’d finally woken up in Harry’s arms again, except this time it was because of fully rest rather than nightmares thankfully.

Harry quickly made the tea mixing in the milk and adding two sugars, just how I liked it. He was facing away from me resting one hand on the counter while the other mixed the hot drink. I don’t know why but after last night I couldn’t look at him the same, I couldn’t help but stare at him, to watch his every move, notice all the little things he did, not just for himself but for me.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now