My Guardian ● Part 22

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*Sophia’s POV*

“Why are you going to see this idiot again?” Zayn grumbled for the twentieth time since we’d set off. He’d been asking nonstop questions since I’d asked him to drive me to Niall’s house. For example, ‘Where did Harry go?’ ‘Is something wrong?’ ‘Am I talking to myself all of today?’ ‘Why do like the leprechaun so much?’ and many others, all of which I had either not replied or just simply grunted in reply.

Zayn had been reluctant to take me to Niall’s but finally gave in after I pleaded with him for a while and told him it was urgent to me. This however, did not stop him being nervous. Niall’s house finally came into view, and I honestly could not be happier to get out of here. Yes, I was learning to love Zayn, and had easily gotten used to him as my brother but just like any younger sister, I felt smothered from time to time. Zayn meant well but right now, I didn’t have any will power to explain to him the situation and felt too embarrassed to confess my make out session with Harry to my older brother. I know Zayn would understand and want to know but I just couldn’t bring myself to explain more, it had taken everything I had to stop crying and but on a fake solemn face, not to mention start talking.

I was about to pounce out of the car as soon as we pulled up outside but Zayn reached over me and locked it. “Right we need to talk.”

“Here we go.” I muttered, resting my head back and waiting for his brotherly ‘talk’ which I could really do without right now. I was on a mission, I had a plan and I didn’t need this distracting me right now. I wanted to get in there, do as I planned and get out before my foggy head cleared and I could re evaluate my ideas.

“Sophia, I know I’ve just come back in to your life but I love you. You are my little sister and always will be, so you have to understand I do care a great deal about you already and of course I’m going to worry about you. It’s just, I wanted to let you know that you can always come to me you know. Whatever has happened between you and Harry you can tell me because I know something has. I won’t be upset or mad, I just want to be there for you and help you. Also I just want you to be safe okay? So don’t do anything stupid and if you do and need help, ring me as soon as possible!” Zayn reached into his pocket and pulled out my phone that I’d left on my bed side table. “One call away, that’s all I’ll be if you need me. I’m your brother but I also want to be your friend so please just, just remember that.” He gave me his big soft eyes and passed me my phone.

I gave him a weak smile and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “I know and I love you Zayn but right now I need to sort this on my own. I’ll ring you if I need you though I promise.” I lifted my pinkie making Zayn and I chuckle as he lifted his and locked it with mine.

Once I was out of the car I walked quickly to Niall’s door. I just had to do this quickly and right, just had to see if this was how it was meant to be, see if it worked.

I knocked on the door and waited the seconds before Niall opened it with a huge smile. I didn’t stop though, instead walked straight past and shut the door. Zayn was outside watching and I knew he didn’t want to see this, he couldn’t see this. “Sophia are you okay?” Niall asked following me into the living area, confused by my outburst.

It was now or never.

Oh god I’m going to regret this.

“Niall just please hold still I need to try something, okay?” He gave me a quizzical look before nodding slowly.

I leant forward and did it, it only took a few seconds and I’d managed to place my lips against his, waiting for his reply. It didn’t take long soon his lips moved in sync with mine, his hands grasping my hips and pulling me closer. I’d kissed him and he was now kissing me back. Why? Well I wish I knew.

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now