My Guardian ● Part 16

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*Louis’ POV continued*

I watched Zayn stutter for a second, I was too shocked to move or do anything. Could this be true? Was Zayn actually Sophia’s brother this whole time? Is that why she can see me and Zayn can see Harry?

Zayn suddenly burst out laughing. “You had me for a second then Horan.” He tapped the blonde on the shoulder and tried to pull away but Niall’s grip on his hand stayed tight.

“It’s you, I thought you looked familiar, you look just like the young boy from the picture Jane has. You’re Zayn you’re her brother!” A smile suddenly broke out onto Niall’s face. “That’s why you came! You were just doing what any older brother would do, I can’t believe this wow! How did Sophia take it? I bet she couldn’t believe it at first, she’s stubborn like that you know.” Niall just sat rambling giving small laughs and staring at Zayn in shock while Zayn on the other hand froze completely.

His smile dropped and his eyes became wide as he began to shake his head from side to side slowly. “I’ve got to go.” He said in one go, ripping his hand out of Niall’s grip and running towards the door, not stopping for me, not stopping for Niall’s questioning shouts, just sprinting out of the house.

I chased after him with everything I could, it all made sense. Zayn’s mum died when he was really young and him and his dad moved away but Zayn never mentioned having a sister. The only reason I knew about his parents was because I saw every day, I saw where he lived and how he lived; alone and in hatred of the man who raised him. He told me he got out of there as soon as he could, got away from the man he despised his whole life for not being there for him as child. He moved to England as soon as he was legally able to, bought a tiny one bedroom apartment with the money he’d saved since he was twelve and got by.

A ‘heaven’ compared to his childhood he always said.

Zayn was a few feet in front of me running as fast as he could, ignoring my shouts for him to slow down. He was in shock and wanted to run and scream, get away from all the drama he just discovered he was in the middle of. Zayn didn’t want drama, Zayn never liked drama and most of all Zayn hated being in the middle of drama.

He stopped collapsing on to his knees on the grass below him. He let out a loud scream throwing his head in his hands while his chest heaved up and down in an attempt to catch his breath back. He’d run to a field far out from where we had just come from.

“Zayn it’s okay, just breath.” I knelt in front of him putting my hand on his back while he caught his breath.

“Is it true?” He asked looking up and me with waiting eyes, knowing if anyone could tell him the truth it was me.

I got gut feelings about stuff that was true, it was like my Guardian power in a way but it just felt like a feeling. For me if someone asked me a question or told me a fact I could always tell them if it was true or false and always be right even if I didn’t know the full story, it was just like something that came with the job, just like what Harry can do to make people do things by talking to them.

I nodded in reply. I always thought Zayn and Sophia had a connection but now, ever since Niall said it, I just know it’s one hundred and twenty percent true. Zayn’s face scrunched up in anger and he looked like he was about to hit something.

“THE FUCKING BASTARD!” He shouted throwing his fists into the ground below hard. “That bastard of a father told me she was dead! He told me she was stone cold dead at the age of twelve HE KNEW SHE WAS FUCKING ALIVE AND TOLD ME SHE WAS DEAD!” Zayn screamed punching the ground repeatedly. “The selfish bastard would say his own daughter was dead so I wouldn’t leave what sort of sickened freak does that?! What sort of person could do that?” His shoulder slumped forward and his head dropped looking down. “What sort of brother am I for not being there?”

My Guardian ● A 1D Fanfiction- Mostly Harry and NiallWhere stories live. Discover now